Friday, September 24, 2021

The autumn of possibilities or a call to balance? The UN General Assembly & the Libra ingress


"The needs of people and living systems are often presented as conflicting priorities--biodiversity versus poverty, or forests versus hunger--when in fact the destinies of human society and the natural world are inseparably intertwined, if not identical."--Paul Hawkin, Regeneration 



You may have noticed that the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) is well into its 76th session, which gaveled in on September 14th in New York and will continue into this coming week, ending on the 27th. So, encompassing the significant astrological milestones that also transpired this past week, the Full Moon on September 20th and the Libra Equinox on the 22nd. More on the Equinox in a bit, but first a word about the UNGA itself. 

The stated theme of this year's assembly is "Building resilience through hope – to recover from COVID-19, rebuild sustainably, respond to the needs of the planet, respect the rights of people and revitalize the United Nations." In other words, the international community represented here is trying to tackle a world of problems that, like it or not, define our times.  Everything we see in the news these days can be understood within the framework of the dual threats of COVID and climate change, even the attempt by right-wing forces in multiple nations to lock down their borders and install authoritarian regimes. Today's immigration and terrorism crises in the news are inextricably linked to global warming's impact on local climates and agriculture--there simply is no light between hysterical political attempts to control borders and crack down on minority rights on one hand (especially during a pandemic) and the global threat of a warming climate on the other. Not surprisingly, the astrology of our times confirms these related dynamics, as we'll consider in a bit. 

One by one, heads of State at the U.N. this week have faced the assembled to list their nations' priorities and objectives and what they plan to contribute to pressing collective global efforts. Some of it sounds like the "same-old, same-old" promises we hear every election season, but IMHO, it would be cynical to simply dismiss these international proceedings with the same set of padded earphones we use for politics as usual. Massive needs are at stake in that theme cited above and reiterated speech-after-speech , and where massive deficits in basic needs exist (like vaccinations, which right now make everything work better for people), the potential for turmoil and terrorism also exist. For those who don't think helping to vaccinate the world should matter for the U.S., think again: the Neptunian character of a pandemic guarantees that "we're in this together," like it or not. We're not just being compassionate, either; we're being practical—opposite Neptune’s home sign of Pisces is intensively pragmatic Virgo.   

In his 2021 study cited above, entitled Regeneration, naturalist and eco-pioneer Paul Hawken lays out--with incredible clarity--a practical, hopeful path for reversing climate change within one generation that can be tackled within many of our existing social structures, given the collective will to do so. He, and chimpanzee expert Jane Goodall, who wrote the forward to this book, suggest that one major focus needs to be in place before anything else can work: a collective commitment to equity. In this, the ideas espoused in Regeneration are firmly in line with U.N. goals and the theme of this year's general assembly. Here's how Hawken explains this point: 

"Equity. This comes first because it encompasses everything. All that needs to be done must be infused by equity. Fairness is about social systems—how we treat one another, how we treat ourselves, and how we treat the living world. The planet has been transformed in a blink of an eye. If we are to transform the climate crisis, we need to transform ourselves, and we had best not blink. Time is of the essence. Social systems require the same level of care, attention, and kindness as ecosystems. They are incomparable yet inseparable. The state of the environment accurately reflects the violence, injustice, disrespect, and harm we do to people of different cultures, beliefs, and skin color. As Jane Goodall points out in her foreword, you save forests and species by helping to create better lives for people." (1) 

Goodall pre-empted the final point Hawken makes here by pointing out how futile trying to save chimpanzees and their habitats in African forests was for all the years she spent working there if the people living in those regions were suffering from hunger, deprivation or undue hardship. People will do what they have to do to feed their families, which is what makes poaching and environmentally destructive deforestation such a persistent obstacle to sustainable environmental policies.  

Hawken goes on to lay out several interrelated, practical frameworks for addressing climate change, including "Reduce" (carbon emissions), "Protect" (natural systems), "Sequester" (capture carbon for positive repurposing), "Influence" (governments and energy consumers) and "Support" (all mitigation efforts), which doesn't make implementing the ideas and programs that fall within each framework easy, but given the seriousness of the challenge, he's convinced they are doable. In fact, between this book and the incredible compendium of existing global warming solutions that he edited and released in 2017, entitled Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming (2),  it's clear to see that there's a lot more going on in the world of creative climate change mitigation than we might imagine.  

Imagining both threats and solutions will be key to the future.
Maybe it follows that a more "in tune" imagination is what we've been lacking here in the U.S., if not elsewhere? Far from making the huge carbon emissions progress we signed on for with the Paris Accords, the U.S. is actually moving backwards at this time, with higher emissions than ever!  From where I'm sitting, the potential for progress is there astrologically, but it will require serious political will to rein in the toxically obstructive uses of Saturn and Neptune that we've been seeing lately.   

In light of Hawken's work and some of the speeches given during the September 21st assembly debate, I'd say that so-called "first-world" nations need to count their blessings and roll up their sleeves on behalf of people everywhere. How much of the chaos elsewhere in the world can be fairly associated with the excesses of the economically-strong nations? If we measure those excesses in terms of climate-change producing carbon emissions, quite a bit of that chaos lies at our feet and demands our collective action. China seems to be moving in the right direction, at least, pledging to stop financing new coal plants abroad and to "support the development of renewable energy abroad." The timing of these commitments was kept vague, but hopefully they apply to the 2030 timeframe most of the Climate talks have been built around.  

In his first assembly speech, Biden called our present moment the "dawn of a decisive decade for our world," and he built on that idea to conclude that "we will choose to build a better future."  A future that is better equipped to deal with the next pandemic (there will be a next one, he reminded everyone) and one that features climate-change-resilient systems and infrastructures. Today (the 22nd), he announced that the U.S. will be donating 500 million more doses of Pfizer vaccine for distribution over the coming year in poorer nations. To fix the pandemic at home, we must fix it everywhere, he said: epidemiologists and the WHO strongly concur.  

In an international forum that is still somewhat wary of the U.S. and its erratic (and often irascible) participation under Trump, Biden's words may have sounded a bit hollow, but anyone who's watching Congress these days knows that the bills Biden and the Dems are trying to push through as we speak are designed to put his abstract-sounding words into action--if they can find their way to his desk for signing.  

Oh, but this is going to cost too much goes the typical complaint--a complaint heard from some moderate Dems, even. If that $3.5 trillion dollar reconciliation package was for a monumental tax cut to the rich, do we think the GOP would deem it too costly? Probably not; Trump's tax cut came in nearly two thirds of the way there in 2017--I really doubt he would have blinked twice over another $1.5t in the top tier's pockets. It's all about what Biden and the Dems want to do with the money that's the issue. And it's about a Democrat being in the White House when the money is being allocated. We're seeing this same kind of partisan brinkmanship at work in the GOP's refusal to help lift the nation's debt limit this week, or to guarantee that the government will avoid shutdown on October 1st.  

Clearly, the GOP is trying to conflate the plans Dems have for future spending with the debt ceiling issue, two issues that are actually unrelated. This debt ceiling lift is all about being able to pay past debts, such as those racked up by the Trump tax cut. Funny how that works.  

If the dire warnings of past Treasury secretaries and others are valid this time around, neither party is going to come out of this looking good, if the GOP forces the U.S. to default on past debts. Can the Dems unilaterally raise the debt ceiling without GOP participation, as Mitch McConnell is saying they must? We'll see, but in keeping with our astrological times, the effort is likely to be a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" exercise. More on this ahead. 

As for the bills targeting infrastructure and climate-related programs that the Dems are pushing, the price tags are bound to be high, but the longer we wait to get serious about climate change mitigation, the more expensive (or even impossible) it will become. If our house is on fire (as the Earth arguably is), waiting to call the fire fighters because they might soak our expensive curtains won't make the end result less costly!  

Certainly in tune with our Neptunian times, a constant theme replayed by many U.N. speakers has been the interconnectedness of our many global challenges at this precipitous moment. Climate change cannot be divorced from biodiversity challenges, or from the emergence of ever new and more virulent diseases. Record droughts (in the U.S. and in several other regions of the world) can't help but spawn turmoil, political chaos and even mass migrations. Many U.S. states, especially those with geographically shared bodies of water like the rapidly depleting Colorado River basin, have been struggling to come to water-sharing agreements.  

Volumes have been written about "water wars" around the world, in fact, with entire countries finding themselves at odds over water sources at this juncture; clearly, this is a situation that will only get worse with time if climate warming isn't reined in.  

As geographically-limited as some of these issues may seem, these are not challenges that respond to piecemeal efforts--again, another clue that climate change is a deeply Neptunian phenomenon. Biden has said repeatedly that we need to "go big" with our solutions to both COVID and climate change, which makes sense in this context; half measures just won't cut it, and neither will ignoring it.  

Several U.N. speakers have also emphasized that our shared challenges require a "systems approach," which suggests that built environments, energy, industrial and food production/transportation infrastructures, government policies/laws and even lifestyle trends must work in concert towards a common goal. Here's where Saturn and Uranus and their current 3Q square come into the picture--more on that below. Among other key priorities for this duo, responsible government policies and carefully-honed regulations will be key to engineering that all-important dimension of equity into all of these systems. IMHO, if we approach the necessary new climate-friendly order of things with the same arrogance with which the powers-that-be approached globalization in the 80s, 90s and 2000s ("there will be winners and losers...that's just how it is"), we'll be in for a world of hurt.  

In fact, this 76th UNGA seems to acknowledge that the world needs to recover from the destructive excesses of globalization--excesses that reached a breaking point with the global recession that marked the end of the 2003-2010 Uranus-Neptune mutual reception period. This tumultuous 7-year stretch unfolded while these two occupied each other's ruling signs of Pisces and Aquarius, and looking back, that period helps put our current dual crises into the larger, global perspective they demand, a story for another day.  

Today's chart analyses below will adopt a perspective that I believe is sorely lacking at times in our western mundane astrology, however--a perspective that acknowledges the Earth as a key focus.   


Astrology and the seasons 

With that in mind, today's post will focus on the likely tone and path ahead during the second half of this astrological year. The Sun entered Libra on the 22nd, marking the Autumnal Equinox in the northern hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the southern hemisphere. From where I'm sitting, it's tipping the "balance" between the length of days and nights toward longer nights, shorter days. Of course, what the equinox brings to bear in Nature depends upon where you're experiencing it: the Earth is preparing for a much-needed winter rest in the northern hemisphere and a warming, new beginning in the southern hemisphere.  

I think to shift our focused more Earth-ward, it's ever more important that we acknowledge how differently these seasonal milestones are experienced depending upon location; my son and his family stationed in Africa are planting their spring garden right about now, while I'm watching the last green tomatoes in our Michigan garden struggle to ripen during the shortening daylight. So, the "natural year" analogies (and even the names) that traditional western astrology has adopted for these seasonal milestones created by the tilt of the Earth relative to the Sun just don't make sense everywhere: even though climate change is seriously messing with our seasonal weather, the Earth is not gradually going "dormant," waiting for winter's "death" and the "regeneration" of spring at this time of year everywhere.  

We do have one thing in common, no matter where we are located on Earth, however:  wherever we stand, the Earth is longitudinally opposite the Sun. If you were born during the Sun's tour of Libra, your natal Earth is in Aries. This goes for any event. This may account for why so many ancient cultures dotted across the planet worshipped a Sun god; if they looked up, it was the "god" they couldn't miss or live without! They all worked to understand the Sun’s apparent movements, periodic “disappearances” (lunar cycle and eclipses) and seasonal variations to the extent they could because it was a matter of survival for them. Over time these so-called "primitives" realized that the Sun alone never guaranteed their survival, however—it was the Sun-Earth relationship that was so essential to their survival.  

This relationship must have felt like a magical, numinous, but often treacherous covenant that--depending upon the quality of their cooperation and rituals--either nurtured and sustained them, or left them starving and depleted. Indeed, their insights into this relationship weren’t too far off from what we now think of as scientific fact: out-of-control carbon emissions over time have thrown the Sun-Earth relationship relative to Humanity's wellbeing way off, and unless we sufficiently correct that balance (the agenda of a Libra equinox comes to mind here), we could suffer the consequences our primitive ancestors were wise enough to fear.  

Unfortunately, astrologers rarely add the Earth into charts they cast—I hope that the software we cast charts with starts to make that a basic feature. It’s relatively easy to add one's choice of a thousand asteroids and a host of trans-Neptunian objects to a chart – why not the Earth? Perhaps in the ever-more-crowded charts we've gotten used to working with, the Earth has become but a phantom presence that's easily overlooked?  

Could it be that this curious omission reflects at least partially why the western history of dualistically rationalizing human existence apart from Nature has been so easy and so destructive over time? If we can't imagine and see ourselves in a mutually-nurturing, reciprocal relationship with the Earth, how are we going to avoid mentally reducing the Earth to the status of a mere resource? IMHO, it’s time to grow up and wean ourselves from that exploitative mindset.  

Some ideologues claim, in fact, that the Bible’s creation story justifies this perspective with God granting the first humans "dominion" over the Earth -- a great fit for the bellicose, patriarchal times in which those words were written, perhaps, but it's long past time to revisit that destructive "carte blanche." The Earth is not an object under our control; She is a living Being that will shake us off like a dog shakes off fleas if we continue to push her beyond critical tipping points. 

Simply put, the climate crisis is not about saving the Earth; it's about prolonging Humanity's ability to live with this Earth in harmony (nice Libra attribute). This Libra equinox season is supremely well-timed, in fact—it's time to undertake a responsibly adult Humanity-Earth relationship, once and for all.   

Perhaps the first constructive move towards this end would be to mentally "pencil in" the Earth exactly opposite the 0 deg. Libra Sun in the equinox chart we consider below (sorry, my software doesn’t provide that option). So, let's imagine that in the charts below, one set for Washington, D.C. in the northern hemisphere, and one set for Johannesburg, So. Africa in the southern hemisphere, that the Earth is sitting at 0 degrees Aries, the most get-up-and-go, energetic point in the entire Zodiac. I suspect this might alter our perspective just a bit as we consider the chart dynamics in each case.  

Let's begin. 


The leaves turn colors in D.C.


Chart #1. Libra Equinox, September 22, 2021, 3:21 p.m. DST, Washington, D.C. Tropical Equal Houses, True Node. All charts cast with Kepler 8.0, courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software. 

Since I’ve made such a point of highlighting it, please notice that the Sun conjoins Mars (Libra) and together they oppose Earth (Aries), with Earth positioned snugly mid-way between Neptune (Rx, Pisces) and Chiron (Rx, Aries).  The “powers-that-be" (Sun-Mars) and their collective (9th house) actions are in focus, as the agents for healing great wounds (Neptune Rx/Chiron Rx) to the Earth (Aries). Of course, it can't be lost on us that neither the Sun nor Mars are considered “strong” in Libra, but considering the dire need the world has for a more harmonious, Libran relationship with the Earth, maybe that’s a “deficit” we can welcome at this time.  

Notice that the Sun-Earth axis (Libra-Aries) trines/sextiles both ends of the Nodal axis (Gemini-Sagittarius); it’s simply time for this shift in perspective and the Nodal axis is pointing to the 5th-11 house realms where this shift needs to catch hold, in our social and professional circles, in our casual relationships and in our more organized collective initiatives. Mercury is a key player in this chart, as it turns out, ruling the Gemini No. Node (so our collective direction) at the same time it trines Jupiter Rx (Aquarius) and opposes Moon (Aries). With Jupiter Rx (Aquarius) in the 2nd, it appears the economy for the coming 6 months is likely to be pretty sound, if not exuberant, and foreign investments and trade deals (Mercury rules 9th while opposite Moon, t-squared Capricorn Pluto Rx) could play a large role in that.  

The Moon’s placement in the 4th could reflect the turmoil we’re experiencing as families try to get back to “normal,” with all the confusion and tension over kids getting back to school (Neptune in 3rd, semi-sextile Moon). This drama will probably persist throughout the school year, but the Mercury-Moon opposition suggests that some kind of accommodation will be reached.  

The cost of child care is a major obstacle for women returning to work
Child care will probably also be a very pressing issue, although financial considerations (Pluto t-squares this opposition) are probably the big hang-up there. The cardinal Mercury-Moon-Pluto t-square indicates stress at the top levels of financial power that are certainly being tested by Biden’s $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill, especially the plan to tax the super-wealthy at a higher rate to help pay for it. Venus (Scorpio) opposite Uranus (Rx, Taurus) also t-squares Saturn and its midpoint with Jupiter (both Rx, Aquarius), reinforcing the financial stress (and perhaps disruption) theme and implicating our legal institutions, Congress and the courts in that stress. Even so, with Jupiter also seated in the 2nd house of resources, economic growth still looks pretty likely and public spending is likely to increase. Setting this chart next to the Sibly chart would add more insight into all this, but we’ll keep that for another post.  

The next big thing that strikes me about this chart is that all the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are found in the houses at the bottom of the chart and below the Capricorn-Cancer horizon. The People are likely to feel the weight of these “big guys” a bit more than they might like, although it’s not all bad, with Jupiter Rx positioned as it is and with Saturn (Rx, Aquarius) trine Mars-Sun (Libra) and North Node (Rx, Gemini). This grand air trine suggests that the action agenda embraced by the U.N. this past week, as well as Biden’s ambitious infrastructure projects, have a chance at moving forward and breaking through the obstructions. Other major public initiatives could also move along somewhat fluidly, although obstructionist tactics can also be expected (Saturn in fixed sign); time will tell.  

 It’s also striking that this horizon cuts across the middle range of a Cardinal axis that is considered geopolitically significant by mundane astrology. It’s familiar zodiacal territory for the U.S., with its significant mid-Cardinal radix power centers, and it confirms that the ASC and DSC rulers, Saturn and the Moon will be key players in this chart. That the Moon/Saturn midpoint falls conjunct Pallas (Pisces) here points to the importance of structural and social justice issues in the coming half year. This Saturn also opposes Part-of-Fortune (Leo) and that axis squares the Scorpio Venus-MC-Vesta opposition to Uranus (Rx, Taurus); unusual institutional solutions for financial and societal issues could be needed to stabilize a prominent situation. There’s a lot happening behind the scenes in the news these days; this could find several expressions, but it all feels like a game of “hardball” to me.  

Neptune (Rx, Pisces) quincunxes Mercury (Libra) and semi-sextiles Jupiter (Rx, Aquarius). We’ve already seen how the Earth (Aries) is caught up between the eroding and wounding forces of Neptune and Chiron (Aries); here we see how Neptune could undermine top-level action plans to enhance how the U.S. works full steam ahead on climate change mitigation. Neptune facilitates those who look to obfuscate, muddle and complicate goals, thereby undermining and delaying the roll-out of programs. The misinformation machine is already spewing ads that misrepresent Biden’s infrastructure bill (Neptune quincunx Mercury) with absurd claims—do we think taxing the super-rich to pay for something that serves all our needs is really going to happen that easily? Communism!!  

If we buy into that, we can probably kiss any hopes for a sane climate policy goodbye.   



Spring dawns in Pretoria

I won't even pretend to know what's going on in So. Africa beyond the few hints we get in the mainstream news; however, my goal here is to call attention to how different the equinox looks and feels from a key urban center, deep in the southern hemisphere. Hopefully this will help us understand how differently such ordinary passages as the Libra equinox can feel from one side of the Earth's equator to the other. Of course, what we have in common, like COVID, tells an important part of the story. Their current COVID statistics (updated for this morning) are: 

“COVID-19 infections are decreasing in South Africa, with 2,666 new infections reported on average each day. That’s 13% of the peak — the highest daily average reported on July 7. 

There have been 2,892,081 infections and 86,655 coronavirus-related deaths reported in the country since the pandemic began.” 

As for vaccination levels, these figures are reported according to doses administered (not the number of vaccinated individuals), so at this time, 

“South Africa has administered at least 16,755,133 doses of COVID vaccines so far. Assuming every person needs 2 doses, that’s enough to have vaccinated about 14.3% of the country’s population.” 

So, they’ve clearly vaccinated a lower percentage of their population than the U.S. has, but a considerably higher percentage than the overall, developing nations’ average of around 1%.  Since we know that African nations have struggled to get vaccines, it’s somewhat amazing that So. Africa has managed the 14.3 percentage they have. As for death rates, they’re uniformly awful everywhere. The WHO tracks worldwide numbers of infections and deaths, which are now at almost 230 million and 4.7 million respectively. Obviously, helping the rest of the world get vaccinated couldn’t be more urgent because every percentage point added to vaccination rates anywhere gets us all closer to the end of this global trauma.   

Given all that, let’s see what the equinox chart set for So. Africa's capitol city Pretoria looks like. 

Chart #2. Libra Equinox, September, 22, 2021, 9:21:31 p.m. ST, Pretoria, So. Africa. Tropical Equal Houses, True Node. All charts cast with Kepler 8.0, courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software. 

The first thing that leaps off the screen in this chart is how everything is flipped from Chart #1—in fact, the view of the Cosmos from So. Africa (as close to Antarctica and the south pole as Africa gets), is quite opposite what we see from the upper northern hemisphere where D.C. is sitting.  

So, in Pretoria, the equinox perfected with all the “personal” planets (save the Moon) below the chart’s Taurus-Scorpio horizon, and with all the “collective” (outer) planets above the horizon. Interestingly, as if to make a point that the personal and the collective are oh, so entangled and inseparable these days, Uranus opposes Venus, stretching tightly across that Taurus-Scorpio horizon. Financial disruption tends to go along with pandemics, and that certainly seems to be the potential here. The So. African people are represented by a 12th house Moon (Aries), reflecting the greater isolation being caused by lagging vaccination rates and high infection numbers—it won’t be surprising if related financial disruptions flair up going forward.  

Notice that the Sun-Earth axis (Libra-Aries) falls across the 5th and 11th houses here, and interestingly, the Pisces 11th house cusp is ruled by Neptune, which also inhabits that house. According to Wikipedia, the whole southern region of Africa has been experiencing serious drought conditions since 2018, so this placement of the Earth and Neptune in the house of upper-level policy making probably reflects the high priority that So. Africa (the nation) must give to this drought issue. That, on top of a pandemic, is undoubtedly causing great hardship in rural areas, if not across the nation.  

As in Chart #1, the Neptune/Chiron (midpoint, Pisces) conjoins Pallas, relating pandemic and water issues to social justice. Chiron’s sextile to Ceres (Gemini) probably speaks to the wounding impact the drought has had on farmers’ crops and on the availability of arable lands. The fact that agriculture-related Saturn (Rx, Aquarius) t-squares that Uranus-Venus opposition (Taurus-Scorpio) mentioned earlier confirms the potential disruptiveness of all this.  

It’s probably telling that both Saturn and Pluto (Rx, Capricorn) are elevated in the chart’s 9th, along with Jupiter (Rx, Aquarius) in the 10th, conjunct the MC-- So. Africa may have to count pretty heavily on the global community’s help to keep its government intact; riots broke out there earlier this summer in protest of economic conditions and threatened the government then, so the potential is there for more unrest if things don’t improve soon and word gets around (Mercury-Jupiter Rx trine). A government crackdown on such unrest isn’t out of the question: that could find expression with the Sun-Mars trine to Saturn (Libra-Aquarius); even so, two Jupiter trines sound positive, especially between the 10th house conjunct MC and the 6th house of workers. Jupiter also sextiles the Moon (Aries), so perhaps economic conditions will ease up a bit on the So. African people in the coming days.  

Final thoughts 

Let’s hope So. Africa—and every nation everywhere right now—can navigate the delicate balancing act of taking care of their people’s basic needs in such a way that counterproductive civil unrest becomes unnecessary—civil unrest anywhere is likely to slow down COVID progress for everyone, not to mention diverting attention from the critical work of climate change mitigation. More developed nations simply have to commit to helping less developed nations get through this pandemic with the least amount of chaos possible, which brings us back to why the U.N.’s sustainable development goals for 2030 are so crucial right now. Over several years, U.N. leaders and participants agreed upon seventeen key goals that are critical for transforming Humanity’s future on this planet for the long haul, and I strongly urge everyone to examine this document where they are detailed and explained. In the U.S. we’ve been listening to Biden talk about “building back better” and about the need for “going big” when it comes to certain key issues like infrastructure, climate change and COVID.  

Well, the world beyond us also needs to “go big” and adopt a better way forward, and there is no shortage of creative ideas and enthusiasm for doing so. What’s needed is less misinformation, fewer vicious, politically-motivated distractions determined to hijack any forward-moving plans, and less bungling of opportunities for no good reason. There’s plenty of blame to go around, of course, but maybe we can just ignore all that and keep our eyes on the Earth beneath our feet and the Sky above our heads. IMHO, it's time to shift our gaze towards balance and harmony...the Cosmos says we really can do this! 



Raye Robertson is a practicing astrologer, writer and former educator. A graduate of the Faculty of Astrological Studies (U.K.), Raye focuses on mundane, collective-oriented astrology, with a particular interest in current affairs, U.S. history, culture and media, the astrology of generations, and public concerns such as education and health. She’s published articles on these topics in several key astrology journals over the years, including most recently, the TMA blog. For information about individual chart readings, contact: 

© Raye Robertson 2021. All rights reserved. 

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