Prince Charming wears more than one mask in this important election. Is he the dragon slayer? The crusader? The revolutionary? Or is she the diplomat?
No surprises—the candidates are going at each other hammer
and tongs in these days before the April 19th New York Primary
election. It’s not hard to see why—the number of delegates at stake is
“yuuuuuggggge,” as candidate Bernie Sanders might say. Feeling right at home in
New York—if not (in Clinton’s case) on New York subways—the
Dems have tip-toed into the mud with their tiff over who’s more “qualified” for
the presidency. The Republicans are cringing over Ted Cruz's disparaging attitude
towards “New York values”—a loaded phrase among conservatives meaning Cruz is way out of his comfort zone in this
Which brings me to the topic of this post: the April 19th
New York primary chart itself, set for the state capitol in Albany, for poll
opening time. Setting aside biwheels with particular candidates for now, with
this post we’ll explore the election chart on
its own, which should open a window on the deep issues at stake in this race. As it turns out, there’s a real fairy tale at the heart of this race and
the princess has many suitors!
Once upon a time…
First, I have to extend many thanks to Arielle Guttmann for suggesting the Sleeping Beauty fairy-tale analogy to Eris (here, known as the Evil Fairy). See this week's The Mountain Astrologer blog for her brilliant discussion about Eris and the geodetic U.S. Sibly chart!
Among the important features of this chart are three key retrograde planets, Jupiter (Virgo), Saturn and Mars (both in Sagittarius). This will be the first primary of the season featuring this significant convergence, so that in itself is worth consideration.
Among the important features of this chart are three key retrograde planets, Jupiter (Virgo), Saturn and Mars (both in Sagittarius). This will be the first primary of the season featuring this significant convergence, so that in itself is worth consideration.
The other super interesting features that tend to be glossed
over in biwheel interpretations are Chiron’s position relative to the Nodal
axis and the very interesting placement of Eris, the disruptive dwarf planet now
transiting at 23°+Aries.
Eris has received a lot of attention lately[1]—in
this “fairy tale” election, she’s nursing a grudge and Prince Charming has a real thicket of thorns to slash through!
Natal Chart: New York
Primary Election, April 19th, 6:00 a.m. (poll opening), Albany, NY.
1st house Sun in Aries conjunct Asc and (widely) Eris and
Uranus; Uranus conjoins Venus and both square Pluto (Capricorn). Uranus
has been creeping up on Eris (which has a much longer orbit) for some time
now—it is now within 2°+
degrees of that disruptive force. Apart from her roots in Greek mythology, Eris
evokes an archetypal disruptive “fairy/witch” character who has shown up in
tales from the 1300s. Known as the Evil Fairy in Perrault’s original 1600s
version of Sleeping Beauty, this character
had a bone to pick with the local royal couple (i.e., politicians and government).
The royals invited every fairy in the kingdom to their infant daughter’s
christening, but they didn’t invite her.
So, as in the original Sleeping Beauty tale,
the Evil Fairy disrupted the infant princess’s celebration by showing up
unannounced and laying a sleeping curse on her. If a Princess represents the
future of that royal family and the future wellbeing of their kingdom, a curse
that keeps Prince Charming away (1st and 7th houses are
always connected) by putting the entire kingdom to sleep is a pretty heavy
disruption. (Are the Mars, Jupiter and Saturn retrogrades an issue here, we
might wonder)?
If we factor Uranus into the picture, this already volatile
conjunction at the Ascendant becomes a revolutionary
convergence, expressing the intense pressure for change that has built up
over long periods (Uranus and Eris orbits, cardinal Uranus-Pluto square). With
a lively Aries Sun in the 1st house, this election is bound to be a rowdy
affair—probably another record turn-out, as we’ve seen in other states.
disruptions may result from the turnout alone, but any attempts to manipulate
or suppress the vote will be monitored by the 6th house Moon in Virgo—exactly
inconjunct this Sun. We might ask here whether change-producing disruptions or change-repressing
disruptions will carry the day.
Pluto’s 9th house placement conjunct the
Capricorn MC here reflects the heavy expectations we have for this
ideologically charged race, not to mention the many power players with vested
interests in this election. Pluto’s square to disruptive energies at the
Ascendant could indicate power plays that transcend boundaries—perhaps Pope
Francis’s invitation to Bernie Sanders that same week?. The merging of
religion and politics in Ted Cruz’s campaign rhetoric could be represented
here, as well. We’ll consider more of these vested interests ahead.
Mutable T-square
spanning 8th-5th-11th:
Mars Rx conjoins Saturn Rx (Sagittarius) and both square Neptune (Pisces)
opposite Jupiter Rx (Virgo). This Mars Rx rules the chart’s Aries
ascendant, meaning the energies of this t-square are tied into whatever
disruptions are triggered by Uranus-Eris, etc., described above. The houses spanned
by this t-square are key to the power dynamics of any election: the 5th
house reflects personal expression (the vote)—probably a healthy turnout with
Jupiter here, but Jupiter Rx (especially square Saturn Rx) could complicate the
process. Jupiter is opposed to Neptune in the 11th house of public
expression (media, “official results,” public organizations and their agendas),
all square 8th house support systems (party machines, ground
organizations/volunteers, funding sources). With three retrogrades, the
potential for change will be facing that fairy tale wall of thorns.
Mutable t-squares normally destabilize everything they touch
because the obstacles typical of a t-square undermine control. Here’s the
retrogrades could contain that instability. Normally, creative energies abound
in a mutable t-square, but they tend to be difficult to implement or manifest
in a workable form. With Neptune involved here, and watchdog energies asleep (Rx)
at the wheel, a confused, deceptive narrative could hold sway. Voting
irregularities are more than possible and organizational resources could be
tied up or absent when needed (both Mars and Saturn are Rx).
We’ll see if the
pro-Bernie “march” some are planning is allowed to go forward, for instance. One
way or another, since the point opposite the focal planets for the t-square
holds a clue to resolving any obstacles, focusing on the democratic values
underlying the American election process will be key.
Saturn Rx (Sagittarius) trines Venus and Uranus (Aries); Saturn Rx
semi-sextiles Pluto (Capricorn). Disruptions caused by unconventional
values and relationships could be highlighted here. It’s not difficult to
imagine, for instance, that New York’s LGBT community could drum up opposition
to Ted Cruz’s campaign. Attempts may be made to keep such an effort under wraps
(Venus-Uranus are in the 12th house here), and with Saturn
retrograde, it will be interesting to see whether legal challenges arise. The
disruptions will not be limited to such issues or constituencies, however, and
it’s quite possible legal/government authorities (Saturn-Pluto) will be needed
to contain some situations.
Earth Grand Trine: Mercury (Taurus) trines Jupiter Rx (Virgo)
trines MC-Pluto (Capricorn). Although grand trines are said to freely circulate
same-element energies throughout a chart, they don’t exist in isolation from
that chart. Here, I believe the strong earthy circuit of energy expresses the very
valid material concerns of the voters (the so-called “bread and butter” issues).
Mercury in the 1st relates to these economy-related values and
issues so essential to the election this year; these concerns will be expressed
in the vote (Jupiter Rx in the 5th), but adding to the retrograde
challenge, the “voices” of both Mercury and Jupiter are subject to Pluto’s
heavy influence in the 9th, conjunct the MC.
Will “Big Money” (global finances) continue to carry the day
over the public’s financial concerns? The intense focus on the immigration
issue and the pros and cons of international trade agreements are also
accounted for in this 9th house Pluto—both Trump and Sanders have
highlighted the deep connections between local concerns and what happens
globally, and those concerns are reflected in this chart.
One glaring probability is that New York’s financial
industry (Pluto) will throw its overwhelming clout against Bernie Sanders and
his plan to break up the banks. Can the economic justice agenda Sanders will
address at the Vatican next week outweigh the finance industry’s hold on public
sentiment? It doesn’t appear that merging his message with the Pope’s many
pronouncements about the excesses of capitalism will hurt Sanders in this election—there will be a 5th house
Jupiter audience for his compassionate 11th house Neptunian agenda.
it’s not likely the Plutonian world of global finance will simply throw in the
towel and agree to be broken up by Sanders’ policies. Now, that would be a disruption worthy of the Aries convergence
discussed above!
If Trump is treated more generously by New York finance than
Sanders is, it will reflect his billionaire clout. One way or another, the issue
may be decided by superdelegates—the other, related
Plutonian power players implicated by this chart.
Chiron (Pisces) conjoins North Node; Jupiter (Virgo) widely opposes
Chiron and conjoins the South Node (Virgo). One of the reasons this
election season has felt so out of control is the very real sense of woundedness on the part of the
electorate, and a crying need for more compassionate public policies. Chiron’s
11th house placement here reflects the robust public debate this
overall election has stimulated on that topic. The economy has simply not
served millions of people since well before the Recession, and the wounds are
still fresh: angry voters are still feeling the destruction of the “American
dream” (Neptune at 22°+
Virgo in the US Sibly chart) in a sea of unsustainable finances (Chiron in
Pisces here) because very few of the structural economic policies that enabled
that Wall Street and housing market collapses have changed.
The flood of capital flowing out of the country took
people’s jobs with it, too—those still-fresh wounds have informed campaign
rhetoric about immigration policies, international trade and regulations on
global businesses. The position of the Nodal axis in this chart suggests these
are matters whose time has come in New York—perhaps the reason New York and
other states are rushing to raise their minimum wage levels, thinking that may
head off the more radical reforms that Sanders and Trump want. Populism is
driven by pain and survival instinct—we won’t see the end of this drive for
some time to come.
Sun (Aries) exactly inconjuncts the Moon (Virgo). We certainly
can’t ignore this aspect—the closest
aspect formed by any two points in this chart. As such, this inconjunct points
to a frustrating disconnect between Election governance (Sun) and working
People (6th house Moon). This disconnect could play out in as many
ways as there are candidates, and then some, but suffice to say here that there
will probably be at least one challenge issued to the Election Board in charge.
With Mars Rx disposing the Aries Sun, it’s likely the job of administration
will fall short in some way; this can only be reinforced by Saturn’s additional
And now, for the
fairy tale ending…
Chiron (Pisces) semi-sextiles Uranus-Eris (Aries). This
frustrating/volatile aspect reinforces that a deep sense of woundedness will be
carried into this primary election, but the semi-sextile suggests that things
may not get too out of control. The Evil Fairy (Eris) is a catalyst for change
(Uranus), but the form this change will take is far from determined because Prince
Charming wears more than one mask in this important election. Is he the one
carrying public anger as his sword, vowing to slay the dragons? Or is he the
crusader who patiently waits for the dragon slayer to fall on that sword?
Or, is the Prince the revolutionary, awakening the young “Princess”
of our future with his zeal? Not to be underestimated, is the Prince actually a
she, the consummate diplomat and stateswoman who is
“qualified” to carry on where the royals left off?
One consistent theme throughout this primary season has been anger against the Establishment—remember, the Evil Fairy would have been happy to play nice if she had been invited to the party. So, it appears she may just crash this one!
Robertson is a practicing astrologer, writer and former university English
instructor. A graduate of the Faculty of Astrological Studies (U.K.), Raye
focuses on mundane, collective-oriented astrology, with a particular interest
in current affairs, culture and media, the astrology of generations, and public
concerns such as education and health. Several of her articles on these topics
have been featured in The Mountain Astrologer and other publications over the
years. Raye can be contacted by comment here, or
© Raye Robertson 2016. All
rights reserved.