My first article
about the Pluto in Scorpio generation—the November, 1983-January, 1995 cohort
of the so-called Millennial generation of young adults (now ages 22-33)—was published
in the October/November issue of The
Mountain Astrologer, just prior to that generation’s stunning turnout in
favor of Barack Obama. So, here we are 8 years later, approaching Election 2016,
wondering how today’s Millennial vote—estimated between 80-91 million
strong—will shake out this time. Astrology studies generations in terms of
Pluto signs; mainstream demographers segment by age (usually 18-29 years olds,
but some studies use 18-33), so the population figures vary somewhat.
Of course, today’s
youngest voters are no longer Pluto
in Scorpios—Pluto transited Sagittarius between January, 1995-January, 2008,
seeding the newest crop of 18 to 21-year old voters out there (a story for
another day). For now, let’s consider the impact this Pluto-in-Scorpio cohort
is likely to have again this election.[1]
For the sake of
space and clarity, the Pluto-in-Scorpio group will be referred to as Gen
The most intensely studied generation ever
Analysts William
Strauss and Neil Howe[2]
have written several studies on Millennials
and their observations are a good starting point, particularly for Gen Scorpio.
They say that Millennials have an irrepressible,“can-do” attitude, are
civically engaged, other-oriented, team-spirited, possessed of progressive
values and reassuring self-esteem and confidence. So far so good—but wait…
To psychology
professor Jean M. Twenge, there’s a
darker side to the Millennial esprít de
corps and bluster: in her book, Generation
Me: Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled—and
More Miserable Than Ever Before, Twenge cites survey data that shows the Millennials
are “the most narcissistic generation in history.”[3]
So, how can two
generational studies differ so widely? Their subject was mostly Gen Scorpio, the
first generation to come of age in post-9/11 America (the youngest turned 18 in
exactly 2001), so if they didn’t embody extremes in all possible
directions, we’d have to wonder why not. Besides, as we’ll see in their
generational chart, the tension between focus on Self and focus on Others is a
major theme.
The Scorpio generation: (roughly 22-33 years old in 2016)
Before we consider
this generation’s chart, one key point to remember is that young voters do not act in a vacuum, but within the
current astrological dynamics and in
ways that either resonate or clash with preceding generations. These interactions
are intriguing—first, because they drive social evolution, and second, because the
process of political change is far from linear, or even logical at times.
But how could this
intergenerational dance not be
intriguing? We’re dealing here with Pluto, after all—primal upheaval, unfolding
over long periods—is its modus operandi. This
Scorpio generation was born into the most intensely fixed sign of the Zodiac,
so while they resonate with their fixed Pluto-in-Leo parents or grandparents, they
also blame that generation for a lot of today’s problems. So it’s interesting
that the Leo generation is staging a political last hurrah this year—and that
Sanders, the oldest Pluto in Leo running, seems to have captured a lot of their
hearts. More on specific candidates to come—let’s consider their generational
chart (below):
First, a disclaimer: a generational chart sets the “tone,” so to
speak, for the broad, collective trends a society is likely to see during that
time period. This does not speak to
individual behaviors or potentials within that generation. Collective trends
may well impact individuals, but they are not the primary factors to consider when
analyzing a natal chart.
Pluto enters Scorpio—Gen Scorpio debuts
Capricorn-Cancer AS-DS;
Scorpio-Taurus MC-IC; Pluto conjoins MC and inconjoins Chiron (Gemini). With
Saturn as their chart ruler at the Capricorn As, this complex suggests a
generation that is fundamentally conservative (by character, if not by
politics), no-nonsense, proactive and hard-working—they are an exquisitely
intense lot, with ambitious goals. These “heirs apparent” resonate with the
WWII generation because that generation
won against great odds, and that validates their own competitive drive. Winning, even by ruthless means, is essential
for self-validation in their chart—besides, as Pluto’s favorite children (in
its home sign), they equate winning
with survival. The potential for a wounded,
degenerate, Mad Max-style
world—totally destroyed environment, scarce resources and sadistic
repression—is not lost on them. For
some, Trump’s “winners v. losers” mind-set hits them where they live; for
others, the wound of wealth inequality and the resulting social injustices
(Pluto inconjunct Chiron) drive them in Sanders’ direction.
4th quadrant Sun and
Moon (Scorpio). As mentioned earlier, the personal (Self) and the collective
(Other) are hopelessly entwined in Gen Scorpio—but that’s as it should be, given
their Sun-Moon placement. As Haydn Paul says, in The Astrological Moon, “When both Moon and Sun are placed above the
horizon, the appropriate individual response should be directed toward
collective activity in the group evolutionary path, which may involve
political, cultural, or scientific unfolding, inspired by firmly held personal
values and ideals.”[4] This generation wrestles with where the line
should be between individual and public domains, and rightly so—many of today’s
key challenges depend upon where that line is drawn (i.e., privacy v. security,
privatization v. “the environmental commons,” and so on). This generation is
going to be instrumental in drawing those lines and managing those challenges.
6-planet Scorpio stellium in 11th,
bracketing the MC, Saturn, Sun and Mercury between Pluto at 0º and the Moon at
22º. Spanning their collective-oriented 10th-11th
houses, these placements also fit the intensity of today’s social and
environmental challenges—the world the Scorpios are inheriting. They grew up with
The Lord of the Rings films and the Harry Potter 7-part saga, so they’ve
been primed for the transformative, “all or nothing” heroic quest their Pluto
has assigned to them. This stellium, of course, may also explain why, in a 2014
Harvard Institute of Politics study, so few of them claimed to trust
Congress (14%), the Federal Government(20%), Wall Street (12%), and the Media
(11%). Hillary Clinton (whose chart features strong Leo and Scorpio placements)
suffers with them on the trust issue, too. Scorpio gifts them with exquisite skepticism,
so Hillary’s commitment to the “extreme makeover” they want may not ring true.
Mars in Virgo disposes Scorpio stellium,
squaring Jupiter/Neptune (midpoint) in Sagittarius. This generation is
clearly capable of analyzing information objectively; they can see both the
parts and the big picture of any situation), although relying on their Scorpionic
“gut” is an easier default mode. Unfortunately, such instincts—centered in the
primitive reptilian brain and limbic systems, ruled by Moon and Pluto (their
Moon disposed by Pluto)—react identically to real and imaginary threats, and
are thus subjective, rather than objective sensors. According to Noel Tyl, the
Mars square to their Jupiter/Neptune suggests “strong idealism; a need for
practical focus.” Many seem to be channeling this idealistic energy into
practical protest tactics these days,
in a growing determination to shut
down Trump rallies.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus
(Sagittarius) at their Scorpio Saturn-Capricorn AS midpoint; Saturn (Scorpio)
semi-sextile Uranus. Already blessed with Scorpio’s exquisite
hogwash-meter, Gen Scorpios are not naïve idealists: this dignified Sagittarius
Jupiter rules their 12th house and co-rules their Pisces 3rd—their
growth has been stifled and they’re looking to bust loose. With Jupiter
conjunct Uranus (ruling their finance-minded 2nd house), they are
keenly aware of the opportunities available in the “anything goes” globalized
economy, and make no mistake, they want
With the co-rulers of their 2nd
house in an irksome semi-sextile, however, they’re suspicious of Wall Street’s model
of limitless growth. They, like their older Pluto-in-Libra siblings, have lived
through the 2008 Wall Street crash—which made finishing their educations,
finding decent jobs and launching their independent lives even more difficult
than usual. They know the “rigged economy”
Sanders rails against first-hand, so convincing them to work against it hasn’t
been difficult.
Virgo Venus-Mars sextile Scorpio
Moon. With a strong perfectionist streak, this generation can be quick
to pounce on others’ “imperfections”—brutally, at times. Social media provides
an outlet for this aggressive energy, which seems to “come out of nowhere:”
more likely, it’s lurking in that repressed Sagittarius 12th house
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and its lackluster semi-sextile outlet (mentioned
above). There are no “excuses” with this generation—they are very demanding
with themselves, and when they put their trust in a candidate, that candidate
better deliver!
Virgo Venus-Mars square
Sagittarius Neptune. Thousands of Gen Scorpios have channeled their
generation’s intensity into military service; that Gen Scorpio women (Venus)
are standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the military with men (Mars), in their
militarized 9th house of international affairs (Virgo cusp), is
literally reflected here. As for the Neptune square, this aspect reflects not
only their idealistic motives for serving, but also how a commonplace influence
in their lives—video gaming—prepared them for these careers. Social analyst
John Leo explores the connection between gaming and the battle simulators used
in the military—both employ visual illusion (Neptune) for the sake of building
the needed fighting skills; the simulators specifically work on “breaking down
the soldier’s aversion to killing.”[5] As
transiting Neptune (Pisces) approaches
their mid-life square with natal Neptune, however, they may become disenchanted
with any abuses of military power they experience.
11th house Moon (in
fall in Scorpio) conjoins Mercury (Scorpio); Mars (Virgo) sextiles Moon.
These factors perhaps explain Twenge’s view that in their teenaged years, this
generation was psychologically troubled—statistics for anxiety, mood disorders,
depression and suicide were all above the norm when her study was released in
2006. Interestingly, with these personal placements in their collective 11th
house, Gen Scorpios instinctively know that personal problems are rooted in
collective failings—and that solving those problems requires collective action.
Gen Scorpios have been strong advocates for gender equality, civil rights (for
an array of groups), labor issues, the legalization of gay marriage and
Gen Scorpios are adept social
media-based activists, but their sharp emotional instincts (Mars-Moon sextile) leave
them open to misuse; Gen Scorpios are not easily deceived—their sensitive Scorpio energies and especially their Mercury endow them with acute perception—but individual vulnerabilities within the larger
group are another matter.
6th house, collective
Gemini north node, disposed by 11th house Mercury; Uranus in
Sagittarius rules 2nd. This Node signals an evolutionary direction
for Gen Scorpio: toward practical ways of serving their local communities
(Gemini=3rd house) via communication, technology and information. They
are likely to lean toward solving human problems using intelligent, hands-on
solutions, toward sharing rather than hoarding resources, and so on.
Alternative transportation technologies should continue to unfold dramatically
under their watch, as will local sustainable enterprises. As a generation, their
faith in abundance has been challenged by the recent recession, but shaking things
up in the financial realm is an instinctive part of their larger Plutonian, transformative
purpose. In this regard, they are tailor made for Sander’s anti-Wall Street “revolution.”
5th house Chiron
(Gemini) opposite 12th house Uranus (Sagittarius). This
placement evokes what Chiron expert Martin Lass calls a “revolution in
consciousness, per se…the
exploration, discovery and development of radical new ideas and technologies
for Healing.”[6] Given
the opposition, they may be both wounded and healed by technology, and by the
aggressive thrust forward (Sagittarius) in developing that technology. Drones, the
latest unstoppable juggernaut industry, are a good example—Gen Scorpios may
profit greatly in that field, but some may balk at the privacy concerns. With
all their generational Scorpio energy, privacy is important—witness the current
dust-up about Apple, Inc.’s dispute with the FBI over the disabling of iPhone
encryption. Apple does not want to lose
its Millennial following. Uranus’ added conjunction with Jupiter (out of orb
for the Chiron opposition) only super-charges the scenario.
Dramatic generational transits
The cosmic
struggle goes on for this generation’s soul. As I pointed out in my 2008
article, Pluto transited slowly over their entire Scorpio stellium, (MC, Sun,
Mercury and Moon) in their early years, so—to Twenge’s point—being moody and
depressed was understandable for them. As the oldest among them moved through
their teens into their 20s, Pluto was slowly moving over their Uranus, Jupiter,
south node and finally, their Neptune, which conjoins the Galactic Center (26-7
Sagittarius)—probably a turning point at which many of them woke up to their survival being linked with the
fate of the earth.
Pluto finished its
tour of Sagittarius conjunct their 12th house Neptune/GC, entering
Capricorn in January 2008. Pluto transited within a 5° orb of their generational ascendant (crossing
between their 12th and 1st several times) well into 2014,
stepping into their 1st house to stay in November 2012, where it
remains today. As if that journey of Pluto into the GC’s “heart of darkness” in
their 12th house wasn’t enough, the oldest Gen Scorpios experienced Neptune’s
2011 ingress into Pisces as a 3rd house trine to their
Pluto-MC-Saturn—an overwhelming influence that probably led many to sacrifice
their ambitious plans for the sake of everyday survival. Those able to leverage
the creative potential of that trine probably thrived, while many suffered a
setback at that critical “launch” period of their lives.
To complicate
their lives even further, the oldest Gen Scorpios began their Saturn returns in
2012, with Pluto transiting their 1st house and the collective
teeming with “end of the world” prophecies. They responded in great numbers to
that year’s politics, helping to re-elect Barack Obama, their 2008 favorite for
president. For many this late-20s period inspired a personal quest for fitness
and discipline; marathon running, extreme sports and gym memberships.
Relationships became more serious, as befits the age, but the average age for marriage remained above 25. Many returned to school to complete the plans they had put on hold—it was a time to get serious and this time, get the job done.
Relationships became more serious, as befits the age, but the average age for marriage remained above 25. Many returned to school to complete the plans they had put on hold—it was a time to get serious and this time, get the job done.
It’s all in the numbers…
Judging from the
outpouring of Millennial support for this year’s most liberal candidate, Bernie
Sanders (approx. 80% in Michigan’s primary), it seems that Gen Scorpios see the
current power and finance structures of society as an unjust, even dystopian
obstacle to their futures. Politicians are taking notes because this generation
is going to vote in record numbers. Even a 50% turnout of their 80-90 million
total would make a staggering difference.
Granted, Gen
Scorpios will not vote as a monolithic bloc—there’s an 11-year age range among
them, spanning their 20s and 30s (22-33), and that decade-divide can make a big
difference in perspectives. There will
be supporters of all campaigns in the mix. Besides, the Dems should certainly
not take the Gen Scorpio voting bloc for granted—they can be tenaciously loyal,
but look out if they sense your
campaign is long on talk and short on action. President Obama’s inability to
move a polarized Congress disappointed them, and even though they’ve been
somewhat forgiving (Obama compensated with some of their high-profile
priorities like marriage equality, more accessible health care and gender
equality in the military), this disappointment probably explains their lukewarm
feelings about Clinton’s campaign. And, not to be ignored, there are some
disenchanted Millennials supporting Trump this time around—an extreme
generational chart tends toward extremes.
[1] A number
of articles have been published over the years on related generational topics
in The Mountain Astrologer. For more
information, see the “Back Issues” Article Index at
[2] Howe,
Neil and William Strauss, Millenials
Rising: The Next Great Generation, Vintage Books, New York, NY, 2000.
[3] Twenge,
Jean M. Ph.D, Generation Me: Why Today’s
Young Americans are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled—and More Miserable Than
Ever Before,” Free Press, New York, NY, 2006, p. 70.
[4] Paul,
Haydn, The Astrological Moon, Samuel
Weiser, Inc., York Beach, ME, 1998, p. 37.
[5] Leo,
John, “When Life Imitates Video,” U.S. News Online, “Outlook on Society,”
[6] Lass,
Martin. Musings of a Rogue Comet: Chiron,
Planet of Healing, Galactic Publications, Nyack, NY, 2001. p. 403.
Raye Robertson is a practicing astrologer, writer and former university English instructor. A graduate of the Faculty of Astrological Studies (U.K.), Raye focuses on mundane, collective-oriented astrology, with a particular interest in current affairs, culture and media, the astrology of generations, and public concerns such as education and health. Several of her articles on these topics have been featured in The Mountain Astrologer and other publications over the years. Raye can be contacted by comment here, or at:
© Raye Robertson 2016. All rights reserved.