“Since October 2017, Algerian authorities have forced at least 13,000 desperate people to trek across the punishing landscape with no water or food for hours, or even days, to reach safety... Newsweek.com, 6/25/18
“The theatre of cruelty unfolding at the southern border last week was the purest distillation yet of what it means to be governed by a President with no moral center.” - The New Yorker, July 2, 2018, p. 13
Unfortunately, there are atrocities enough to go
around these days when it comes to poor, desperate people trying to flee
oppressive, dangerous situations. There may be a difference in degree when it
comes to the heinous treatment such people receive between Algeria, Europe and in
the U.S., but there’s no denying their common experience: would-be migrants are
suffering the jack-boots of authority crushing down on them, and if they aren’t
physically forced into an actual
desert to fend for themselves, they are cast into the figurative desert of
imprisonment. In the case of the U.S., they’re torn apart from family members,
with scant access to due process or to any treatment that would meet United
Nations’ standards.
These separated families are faced with an
unforgivingly long, cheerless and
demeaning trek towards reunification.
One of several detention centers at the U.S. southern border. |
“They treated us like animals,” says one
mother’s letter from detention.
“In the letter, she calls the facility ‘la perrera’ --
the kennel or dog pound -- because of the chain-link cages she and others were
held in.
For eight days after she was
captured near the US-Mexico border, she says she did not bathe or brush her
teeth. She and other women slept on the floor under ‘aluminum paper’ blankets,
she says.”
The dynamics creating these global migrant
crises are hauntingly similar: for one, these rivers of desperate migrants are
flowing north from the blazing hot
and dry southern regions of the earth—from Africa over the Mediterranean Sea to
Europe’s shores, and from Central America northward to the U.S./Mexican border.
In case we haven’t been taking climate change seriously, these migrations
(ruled by Neptune) strongly suggest that the planet is changing for the worse, and that life is becoming unsustainable
for millions in the southern hemisphere.
The science suggests that the energy-hogging northern hemisphere bears some responsibility for this—a story for another day.
The science suggests that the energy-hogging northern hemisphere bears some responsibility for this—a story for another day.
For now, here’s one pattern that can
be counted upon to create desperation and mass dislocation: drought destroys
local economies; social institutions break down, with gangs (or some violent/authoritarian
equivalent) developing to fill the void and control the resources that remain. Fear-mongering and panic—two of
Neptune’s more toxic impulses—fuel these violent transformations. Racism,
xenophobia and their hateful spawn generally take over from there.
Unfortunately, the U.S. under Donald Trump is part of this transformation, rather
than a force for justice, and we have astrological reasons to be very
As we’ll consider ahead, there’s a
“new world order” forming, and those with Trumpian mindsets about immigration
and the “elites” (a derogatory code word for those in favor of liberal western
democracy) are attuned to this evolutionary process, which they are using to
institutionalize hateful, inhumane impulses. Trump seems to be trying to dance on the
cutting edge of that effort, tearing down our post-WWII alliances from Europe,
shifting his focus to “getting along better” with Russia, and to supporting
Israel in its crusade against Iran. Humanitarian concerns beyond their own
borders aren’t likely to be on the agenda, and Trump is fine with that
How all this connects is a very
complicated story that’s beyond my scope here, but some sense of it all will
emerge when we consider Trump’s July 16 summit with Putin (below).
First, some background
First, some background
When Neptune’s compassionate impulses
cave in to fear and hysteria, Pluto’s “survival of the fittest” ethic rules.
The “ends” then “justify the means,” and cruelty prevails, as any sense of
morality, civility and loving kindness recedes. Pluto simply ignores such scruples
or niceties—rights and equality become
meaningless in a toxic Plutonian context. We’ll consider these themes more
deeply ahead, but frankly, once Neptune’s and Pluto’s lesser angels are
unleashed—as they were during WWII—it’s no mystery why tragedies, atrocities
and genocides follow.
In fact, we seem to be witnessing
that in Capricorn, Pluto actively crushes
any higher, compassionate or just impulses with thuggish vigor. This tendency
is given institutional reinforcement at times by Saturn’s added presence in
Capricorn, its earthy ruling sign; for instance, we’ve seen Trump and company
pick and choose which parts of the Constitution they wish to follow and which
they don’t, imposing a “loyalty test” on both Congress and the Judiciary, an institution
designed to check Executive
overreach, not to act like feckless “yes
men.” As long as a GOP majority prevails in Congress, Trump enjoys a system
that he has rigged to give him free rein.
Yet, this dignified Capricorn Saturn
is also the astrological “ace in the hole” for those who want to see a return
to Constitutional norms and checks and balances, and if Saturn’s energies are
wielded diligently, they should ultimately hold Trump’s overreaching forces
accountable. In keeping with their cycle’s agenda, however, as Saturn
transits into its impending conjunction with Pluto (beginning a new,
35+year cycle), a new world order is taking shape. Given what we’re seeing in
the news, there are no guarantees that we’ll come out on the other side of it
with an intact democracy.
We’re living through the “clearing
out” phase of this waning 1982 Saturn-Pluto cycle (launched that
November at 27+Libra), and Trump and company are clearly aiming to create a
new, more authoritarian replacement that privileges corporations and undermines
civil rights and democratic institutions. In fact, a Russian-style oligarchy—in
which the nation’s billionaire industrialists do the strong-man leader’s dirty
work and keep the economy feeding their
coffers first—would probably suit Trump just fine.
As we saw in the 2016 genesis of this
transformative Trump administration, however, Neptune is the wild card.
Any time the calls for constitutional accountability mount, Trump works to stir
up his emotional, Neptunian “base,” a tactic he’s used to avoid Saturnian
responsibility since declaring his candidacy. The more erratic and frenzied his
tweet-storms, the more we can assume that his feet are being held to the fire.
In fact, Trump has weaponized Neptune in a host of ways: importantly, he seems to be on a mission to subvert our traditional NATO allegiances—apparently, in deference to Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Trump’s upcoming summit with the Russian leader on July 16th looks like it might be a big step forward towards shifting our alliances: it’s so important to Trump that he sent a large delegation of Republican Senators to Russia to pave the way and set a conciliatory tone. Interestingly, these senators are all members of the Senate Appropriations Committee—not the Foreign Relations Committee members that usually make these trips.
In fact, Trump has weaponized Neptune in a host of ways: importantly, he seems to be on a mission to subvert our traditional NATO allegiances—apparently, in deference to Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Trump’s upcoming summit with the Russian leader on July 16th looks like it might be a big step forward towards shifting our alliances: it’s so important to Trump that he sent a large delegation of Republican Senators to Russia to pave the way and set a conciliatory tone. Interestingly, these senators are all members of the Senate Appropriations Committee—not the Foreign Relations Committee members that usually make these trips.
According to Michael
McFaul, former U.S. ambassador to Russia, this multi-day, “Kum-bah-yah”
meeting between the two governments is far from normal, and is actually quite
disturbing. How interesting that this
news came out on the same day that the Senate
Intelligence Committee issued a report confirming that the intelligence
assessments regarding Russia’s interference in our 2016 election are “sound!” We
have to wonder if this delegation is making nice with Russia because they’d
like to see more election meddling in
their favor. No Democrats were invited—not surprising, since Trump is trying to
run our government as though the Democratic party doesn’t exist!
A quick look at Neptune’s role in the
two biwheels below speaks volumes: the first will be between Trump’s natal
chart and the Russian Federation’s radix chart, and the second between Trump’s
and Putin’s nativities. Then we will consider a noon chart for the Summit
#1: (inner wheel) Donald J.
Trump, June 14, 1946, 10:54 a.m. DST, Jamaica, NY; (outer wheel) Russian
Federation, December 25, 1991, 7:45 p.m. ST, Moscow, Russia. Source: Book of World Horoscopes, Chart 280, p.
Tropical Equal Houses, True Node.
First, a few thoughts on Neptune
in Venus-ruled air sign, Libra—where Trump’s natal Neptune resides. Librans are
famously able to see all issues from multiple perspectives—a trait that explains
Libra’s reputation for diplomatic skills and
which can create confusion and indecision. Which side to choose? Sometimes
we (I’m guilty as charged) favor one side; sometimes the other. “Part of me
thinks….” is an oft-heard Libra phrase, as though we can split our brains in
pieces and have things go whichever way feels good at the moment! The challenge
is to reconcile whatever disparate perspectives we’re presented with into one
coherent point of view, and it’s often not easy, especially these days with Neptune
transiting its home sign, Pisces, quincunx
As noted above, Trump seems to have
leveraged the slippery leeway his Libra Neptune gives to advance his purposes:
he refuses to be pinned down to any one
perspective on anything. As his staff
well knows, he reserves the right to change his mind on a dime with no notice.
This is the perfect expression of his Mercury-square-Neptune (Cancer-Libra), and it provides one important key to
his approach to wielding power. Mercury disposes his elevated Gemini
placements and his Gemini Sun rules his Leo rising chart, so this erratic,
potentially deceptive mental style identifies
him, and it empowers him because
it keeps everyone around him scrambling!
We’ve seen how this works everyday
in the news: Trump prefers to make up his “reality” as he goes, and he relishes
the ability to provoke shock and awe in the process (Gemini Sun-No.
Node-Uranus). Uranus co-rules his 7th
house with his Cancer Saturn, so this shock effect throws both his rivals and
allies off balance—right where his thin-skinned security impulses (Cancer
Saturn) likes them to be.
Being slippery and unpredictable and
keeping others he wants to dominate (i.e., “deal” with) off balance is, of course, another way Neptune
can use and abuse Libran qualities. An erosive force, Neptune can be deployed in
Libra to undermine any sense of equanimity, and to break down systems of
justice and fairness (other Libran values), as well. We’re seeing all of this
happen under the Trump administration.
Trump’s attempts (enabled by his
House GOP allies) to tear down the DOJ and to skew the intelligence
underpinning the Mueller investigation are clear examples of this. Gathering
and acting on actual facts for the
sake of enforcing the law justly is Saturn’s thing (a good reason it’s
dignified in Libra); Neptune would prefer to spin
“alternative realities,” deny reality
(one reason it rules addictions) and confuse any attempts to pin that reality
It’s no surprise that Trump feels naturally allied to Russia: they share this Neptunian approach to wielding power. Putin’s response to any criticism of his actions is often to simply deny the action itself and to ridicule those who brought it up (the same macho tactic women trying to get ahead often find used against them). On that note, let’s consider the biwheel charts.
It’s no surprise that Trump feels naturally allied to Russia: they share this Neptunian approach to wielding power. Putin’s response to any criticism of his actions is often to simply deny the action itself and to ridicule those who brought it up (the same macho tactic women trying to get ahead often find used against them). On that note, let’s consider the biwheel charts.
T-Square: Trump
Neptune-Juno-Chiron-Jupiter opposes Trump Eris-Russia Eris (very widely
conjunct in Aries); this axis squares Russia’s Sun-No. Node-Uranus-Neptune
(Capricorn) stellium. There’s an aggressive, “eyes-on-the-prize”
quality to this cardinal t-square, and with Neptune involved in both legs of
the Libra-Capricorn squares (and in the actions of both parties to the
biwheel), anything goes when it comes to achieving that prize. When asked about
Russia’s election meddling, Trump often says that he “believes” Putin’s
denials. Of course he does—he’s implicated
in the meddling, as well!
The fact is, when Russia meddles,
Trump benefits, and that’s not an advantage that he’s willing to pass on. What
we don’t know for sure is what does Russia expect in return? The
concessions Trump is reportedly prepared to make to Putin at their one-on-one
summit are probably a good start. From The Guardian:
“Trump’s ‘America
first’ approach to world affairs is arguably the greatest political gift
brought to Putin since he was told in 1999 by Boris Yeltsin’s entourage that
he’d soon be stepping into the Kremlin to replace an ailing leader. The US’s
withdrawal from Europe was a long-held Soviet goal that Putin now believes may
be in reach.
If the extremist political forces Putin likes to promote in Europe do take over,
with Trump helping to embolden them, the Russian president can begin to
envision a new brand of transatlanticism, anchored in authoritarianism and
white, Christian nationalism – a world view that would suit Putin down to the
ground. The presence in the White House of a US leader who disparages allies,
questions Nato, lashes out at Angela Merkel and says the “EU is possibly as bad
as China, only smaller” when it comes to dealing with the US is quite simply a
This passage implies that Putin is
shrewdly navigating his relationship
with Trump on behalf of Russia, but Trump may mistakenly believe the relationship
is personal: as we’ve seen by his
comments, Trump seems to crave Putin’s attention and approval. Putin—a former
KGB operative—seems to have a long-held
vision for restoring Russia’s place on the world stage, and we might be safe in
assuming that he could care less about personal attachments. He’s been handed
an outstanding opportunity with Trump’s presidency: Putin probably has little respect for Trump, but he will certainly
use him to get where he wants to go.
Unfortunately, Trump tends to lionize Putin—speaking of him reverently
as a “great leader,” almost treating him
like a hero. Is Putin the perfect
“father figure” in Trump’s mind? The trouble is, if Trump chooses to lather
praise on Putin like he did on Kim Jong-Un, Putin will have him right where he
wants him. Putin “didn’t have time” to meet with the Senate delegation Trump
sent; why would he? Humiliating them
serves his purposes far better: guess who’s likely to be calling the shots at
the July 16th summit?
#2: (inner wheel) Donald J.
Trump, June 14, 1946, 10:54 a.m. DST, Jamaica, NY; (outer wheel) Vladimir
Putin (rectified
by Isaac Starkman), October 7, 1952, 12:39 p.m. ST, St. Petersburg, Russia. Tropical Equal Houses, True Node.
Putin Uranus-Part of Fortune (Cancer)
conjoins Trump Saturn-Venus (Cancer) and squares Trump’s Libra stellium
(Juno-Chiron-Jupiter and widely, Neptune); Putin Sun-Saturn-Neptune-Mercury
(Libra) conjoins Trump’s Libra stellium. Trump’s Mercury also plays into
this energetic cardinal array through its square with Putin’s Sun-Saturn.
This aspect may explain Trump’s deferential attitude towards Putin: he’s
clearly impressed with the man’s
power and authority. He may even look to Putin for protection (Cancer)—especially now, that Pluto is transiting opposite Trump’s Cancer Saturn-Venus.
Trump’s ethics-free approach to life is in synch with an oligarchic system in which corruption is enabled, as long as it serves the “strong-man’s” purposes. Under what’s left of our democratic system, Trump is forever dealing with legal suits that want to hold him accountable.
Trump’s ethics-free approach to life is in synch with an oligarchic system in which corruption is enabled, as long as it serves the “strong-man’s” purposes. Under what’s left of our democratic system, Trump is forever dealing with legal suits that want to hold him accountable.
Trump and Putin share strong,
mutually-reinforcing Mercury-Neptune aspects, so they see
“eye-to-eye” on a lot of things. Putin’s close conjunction trines Trump’s Mercury-disposed Sun-Node-Uranus,
but it seduces Trump via the square to his Cancer planets. By virtue of
his office, Trump wields global influence and administrative clout (over NATO,
the EU, etc.) that Putin might just want to “borrow” for the sake of redrawing
global alliances, so being on Trump’s mental “wavelength” is a real asset for
There’s no way to know for sure, but
it would be no surprise if Putin has been coaching Trump to impose tariffs on
Canadian and EU goods for ridiculous “national security” reasons (Cancer).
Anything that stresses western economies and further weakens those democracies would
likely be a plus to Putin, and if Trump is eager to please…? Even if the
tariffs and the trade wars are entirely Trump’s ideas, Putin will be able to position
Russia to benefit, especially once Trump rolls back the sanctions regime that
was imposed after Russia forcibly annexed Crimea in 2014.
Narrative is everthing! |
Thankfully, Trump cannot
unilaterally deliver on that prize at the upcoming summit, but it’ll be surprising
if some movement isn’t made in that direction. He seems bent on burning our
trade bridges with Europe: who do we
think he’s going to look to for new
trade agreements? We’ll see Russian steel in our oil and gas pipelines yet!
Given the shadowy way Republicans on the Senate
Appropriations Committee are meeting with Russians prior to the summit, we
have to wonder what kind of business deals are afoot.
Other types of quid-pro-quos could
also be in the works, judging from these two charts. Putin’s Cancer
Uranus-Part of Fortune ties into Trump’s Saturn-Venus, suggesting
that there are mutually-beneficial possibilities involving power, authority and
treasure. Russia’s chart (outer wheel, Biwheel #1) proves the foundational importance
of the Uranus-Neptune cycle to the nation that emerged from the Soviet
Union’s rubble: the Russian Federation was built to navigate the globalized
economy, and when times have been tough, the U.S. and western liberal democracies
have been convenient foils. It’s good to have an “enemy” to blame for
everything that goes wrong when the public gets agitated, and Putin is known to
deploy this narrative very adeptly. Trump and he are clearly on the same page
with this tactic.
Considering Russia’s radix chart, it’s
no surprise that Putin’s nativity features the waning Uranus-Neptune square,
not to mention a powerful Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Even his
ties into the new cycle perfecting in the radix chart, through its
rulership of Capricorn; the Saturn-Neptune aspect itself (placed
in his 11th house of associates, not shown here) suggests that Putin
follows that Machiavellian canard of holding his “friends close and his enemies
closer.” He has probably outfoxed many opponents with relative ease—being a KGB
master of “disinformation” (Mercury conjunct Neptune!), and as the history of his rule has
shown, if all else fails, his opponents—including media people—experience
mysterious “accidents.”
Bottom line, Putin has been playing 3-D
chess to Trump’s checkers, being much more keenly attuned to tactical and
strategic maneuvering. Another important difference: Putin has the benefit of a
keen historical perspective, where Trump often seems clueless about American
history and its place in the world. A deeply strategic and perceptive Scorpio
Venus disposes Putin’s Libra stellium, whereas Trump’s more
thin-skinned Venus is caught up in security issues and focused on his
financial growth (2nd house Libra Jupiter).
Trump Mars-ASC (Leo) trine Putin Mars
(Sagittarius). The mutual comfort level these two enjoy has a lot to do
with this tighter-than-tight aspect, but it also speaks to the different manners
in which each projects his power. Trump tends to bully his way into dominance
(Leo), demanding personal loyalty out of his minions (including his base) and
returning very little for their trouble; Putin may have more finesse, but he
seems interested in maintaining that “wild” Sagittarian image, too, posing
bare-chested on horses and practicing karate.
Hosting the soccer World Cup was a
stroke of genius on Putin’s part because it softened his image abroad without
weakening it. His Sagittarius Mars is disposed by a staunch Taurus
Jupiter, opposite and
disposed by his Scorpio Venus; no one is
likely to question his strength and stamina. Contrary to another common
Machiavellian strategy, Putin seems to want to be both “loved” and “feared.”
One last point about Trump’s Mars
bears noting: Leo’s downside is a tendency toward toxic narcissism, combined
with a thirst for adulation from powerful people and a need to wield firm control
over the narrative (angrily, with Mars) so he “looks good.” All of these seem
to apply, judging from Trump’s behavior. Perhaps he believes that his personal charisma can take him
everywhere he wants to go, but as we’ve seen, when that fails, his anger takes
Unfortunately, Trump can make a lot of costly mistakes if he follows
these lower Leo tendencies with Putin. Former Ambassador McFaul
is deeply concerned that Trump will be more focused in this summit on pleasing
and praising Putin than he will be about American national interests. He’s also
concerned that Trump will make all kinds of concessions—going against all his advisors—without asking
for anything in return. I hope that’s not simply naïve: is future election
meddling already figured into the
Former intelligence chief John Brennan
fears that Trump doesn’t realize the extent to which he’s being “played” by
Putin, or that he simply “doesn’t care.”
So much more could be said in
regards to the above biwheels, but I think it’s worth shifting gears at this
point to consider a noon chart for the July 16th summit itself. The
exact timing of the first meeting is probably anyone’s guess, but the noon
chart will give us a peek at the dynamics of that day. One quick observation:
the dynamics in this chart (excluding houses) are very similar to the ones in
the July 11th noon chart for the NATO Summit that Trump will be
attending prior to his meet-up with Putin, except that in the first instance,
the Moon
will be in late Gemini, conjunct
Trump’s Sun-Node-Uranus, opposite
his natal Moon.
We’re used to seeing Trump in a
surly mood at NATO events (he’s convinced our allies are “playing” the U.S. by
not paying enough for mutual defense), but the controversial
letters he sent out to NATO allies demanding that they must spend a greater
percentage of their GDPs for the alliance’s defense are likely to set the tone
for his time there. One thing is very predictable
with him: one way or another, he will be
the star of the show, and not in a good way. On to Helsinki!
#1: Trump-Putin Summit, July 16, 2018, 12:00 p.m. DST, Helsinki, Finland. Tropical Equal Houses, True Node.
Sun (Cancer) opposite Pluto (Capricorn);
this axis squares Eris (Aries). If we’re feeling expansive, we could
extend Eris’s orb to include Uranus (Taurus) here, as well, but
for now let’s simply consider the tighter cardinal configuration. Clearly, any
configuration involving Pluto and Eris is going to be
focused on power dynamics and potential conflict and discord. Resources and
money are bound to be the issues entangled in these dynamics: earthy Capricorn Saturn
disposes this Pluto, and it’s part of a grand earth trine that includes Venus
(Virgo)—more on that ahead.
A point about timing deserves
discussion: unless the meeting begins in the early, early morning, this
t-square is going to fall across the 11th-8th-5th or the 10th-7th-4th.
Either way, the Sun is elevated, representing the leaders involved, and Pluto
falls in the houses commonly associated with “the People.” This places Eris nearly
conjunct the Sun/Pluto midpoint (21+Ar), and while he doesn’t address Eris aspecting
this point, Michael Munkasey does characterize this midpoint as being a heavy,
potentially volatile place to be:
“Accumulation of an excessive amount of armed strength; the
use of secret police to exert authority and control over others; the influence
of criminal organizations; extremes of corruption which waste resources.”[1]
What we’re seeing at home with immigration and ICE and family
separations already resonates with this midpoint, but we have to wonder what it
will look like in the context of Trump and Putin. If they strike a closer
U.S.-Russian alliance at their meeting, it will be characterized by this
aspect—not very desirable. Maybe
here, Eris represents the spirited warriors fighting the corruption unfolding in front of us?!
Saturn (Capricorn) squares Chiron (Aries). If we factor in the MC
(Cancer) to this, we have another cardinal t-square, this one reinforcing
the authoritarian impulses of the first one, and pressing in on those in
authority to take responsibility for the pain they are causing or enabling.
There are plenty of situations in the
world that fit this dynamic, including our own here at home, but how will it
manifest in the context of U.S.-Russia relations?
We know the Russian economy is hurting, which always causes
unrest; we know that there’s a lot of
unrest here at home, yet it’s hard to say whether improving the lot of their
people is job #1 for these two. More likely, staying in power by whatever means
necessary is top priority, and that is guaranteed to be a wounding experience (Chiron)
for all.
Earth Grand Trine: Uranus (Taurus) trines Venus-Ceres-Moon
(Virgo) trines Saturn (Capricorn). It’s key here that Venus
also disposes Taurus, so there will be momentum to apply Uranian
technologies for economic purposes. Considering the context (a summit between
geopolitical players) and Virgo’s involvement, it’s likely that agreements
aimed at nurturing (Ceres) the players’ military forces (Virgo) will be
featured. Past discussions between us and Russia have focused on reducing arsenals, not nurturing them, so this could be
Considering that Trump will be hot off the NATO summit a few days
earlier, we have to wonder how military issues will figure into a renewed
U.S.-Russia relationship. Trump reportedly wants Putin to use his military to
force Iranians out of Syria, but Foreign
Policy says he may have to “take no for an answer.”
Even if it’s not military in character, this configuration
appears to signal some mutually-beneficial (in tangible, economic terms) project
that these two will take on, but it could remain behind-the-scenes (Virgo in 12th).
We know how Trump refuses to acknowledge that his personal and presidential
activities must be kept separate: is he still working on that Trump
Hotel-Moscow? Or investing in some Russian infrastructure project in return
for…? Are Jared and Ivanka along for the ride? Remember that Senate
Appropriations Committee delegation’s visit? All of this bears watching.
Yod: Pluto (Capricorn) and Neptune (Pisces)
inconjoin Mercury (Leo). This aspect only works if the two far planets
(Neptune and Pluto) are sextile, and that’s the case here. We started this post
talking about the ways in which these “heavies” are calling the shots these
days, and here we get a window into how that works. Basically, if we thought we
were going to get a straight story out of this summit once it’s over, we’re
probably deluded. There’s a reason Trump and Putin (Neptune & Pluto?) are
meeting alone first, and IMHO, that
should concern us. They will tell us what they want us to hear, full stop.
It’s also notable that Mercury here conjoins Putin’s natal Pluto
(Leo) more tightly than it does Trump’s Mars (Leo), so Putin is likely to
dominate the narrative. We may get conflicting stories, but one way or another,
skepticism will be warranted.
Final thoughts
For all his finger-thrusting rhetoric about putting “America
first,” and about how “tough” his administration has been on Russia, Trump can’t
seem to say “no” to Russia. The MaddowBlog
summarizes his track record going into the summit really well:
“Trump has, after all, echoed
Putin’s line on the 2016 attack on the American elections, endorsed
Russia’s re-entry into the G-7, opened the door to formally recognizing
Crimea as Russian soil, canceled joint military exercises with South Korea
(which is a step Putin
suggested to the Republican president), tried to further fracture the
European Union, expressed his dissatisfaction
with NATO, and moved toward handing Russia more power over developments in
The Deal-Maker in Chief took all of these steps in exchange for …
nothing. There’s no evidence that Trump sought any concessions from Moscow in
return for his recent pro-Russia efforts.”
The deferential attitude Trump takes with Putin goes back to
his presidential campaign, in fact, so why would we expect anything different
now? Does Putin “have something” on Trump? Or does Trump simply want further
cooperation from Putin for upcoming elections? Robert Mueller is still getting
to the bottom of what transpired between Trump and Russia from 2013 through the
2016 election, but the dynamic is already clear from what we do know: if Russia meddles, minds are
swayed in favor of Trump and other Republicans, so there’s clearly been a
Faustian bargain of sorts, whether we’re ever able to pin down all the facts or
Neptune and Pluto may be inscrutable, opaque and downright deceptive, but “survival of the fittest” is a fairly simple concept to grasp in the end: the more “fit” are the predators, and the less fit are the prey.
As former
Fox analyst, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters surprisingly expressed recently, “Putin
has devoured Trump.” He illustrated his point by citing some lines from a poem
by A.E. Housman:
Neptune and Pluto may be inscrutable, opaque and downright deceptive, but “survival of the fittest” is a fairly simple concept to grasp in the end: the more “fit” are the predators, and the less fit are the prey.
Really? |
Russian bear is huge and wild,
has devoured the infant child…”
Guess who’s the “infant child?”
Robertson is a practicing astrologer, writer and former educator. A graduate of
the Faculty of Astrological Studies (U.K.), Raye focuses on mundane,
collective-oriented astrology, with a particular interest in current affairs,
culture and media, the astrology of generations, and public concerns such as
education and health. Several of her articles on these topics have been
featured in The Mountain Astrologer and other publications over the years.
She is
also available to read individual charts—contact her at: robertsonraye@gmail.com.
© Raye Robertson 2018. All
rights reserved.
"Trump Baby" - a balloon that will fly in protest when Trump visits the UK this week. |
Michael Munkasey, Midpoints: Unleashing
the Power of the Planets, ACS Publications, San Diego, CA, 1991, p. 92.