Is Clinton worthy of the leap of faith Sanders wants his supporters to make? If she takes nothing else away from this Convention and the attempts to derail her, I hope it’s a new (or renewed) determination to be just that.
After last week’s chaotic gloom-fest hosted by the RNC, a
lot of media players were expecting a real snooze-fest from the DNC. This was
far from the reality, however: thanks to Wikileaks
and the suspected meddling of Russian intelligence players (who would prefer a
Trump presidency), the Democratic Convention started with more than a bang—a resignation—on the part of embattled DNC
Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Despite some rowdiness, empassioned tears from Sanders’
supporters, and the powerfully embarrassing mischief waged against her from abroad,
Day 1 of the Convention was far from a rout of Clinton and her candidacy. Even so, looking
at the astrology of the situation, we’ll see that Clinton was clearly targeted
at an opportune time—if the goal was to inflict deep personal pain. It’s hard
to say if this pain will derail her success in November, but the Cosmos is
definitely testing her mettle.
Let’s consider the biwheel for Clinton and the Wikileaks DNC
Email dump (which is documented by
with the exact time of 10:30
Biwheel 1: (inner
wheel) Natal, Hillary Rodham Clinton, October 26, 1947, 8:02 a.m., ST, Chicago,
Illinois. (HRC’s birth time is still considered controversial, but this time
seems to reflect many key events in her career); (outer wheel) Radix, Wikileaks DNC Email release, July 22, 2016,
10:30 a.m. DST, Stockholm, Sweden.
Release Moon (Aquarius) conjoins HRC Jupiter/Node (midpoint, Aquarius),
sextiles Release Uranus-Eris-Part of Fortune (Aries), squares Release Mars
(Scorpio)-HRC SNode-Jupiter (Scorpio-Sagittarius), trines HRC Uranus-Release
MC, and quincunxes both Release ASC (Virgo) and Sun (Cancer). Clearly,
the Release Moon—ruling the day’s Cancer Sun—is a major player in this chart
and in this crazy assemblage of aspects; in the powerful final degree of
Aquarius, it is focused on wreaking havoc on whatever it touches. The fleeting
duration of Moon aspects suggests that the Wikileaks
attack was carefully timed (probably with the help of an astrologer) for
maximum opportunism and impact, but in the nature of Moon aspects, its impact
may be short-lived.
Let’s unpack this tangle of energies and then attempt to
synthesize the “big idea;” please note that as the aspects listed here radiate
outward into other connections between the charts, we’ll consider those as part
of the extended configuration.
Release Moon (Aquarius) conjoins
HRC Jupiter/Node (midpoint, Aquarius). The email dump was Wikileaks’
attempt to shed light (Moon) on the pro-Clinton biases of the DNC. Clearly,
whoever turned over the emails to Wikileaks
was trying to influence Clinton’s success (Jupiter/Node), especially with women
….sextiles Release Uranus-Eris-Part
of Fortune (Aries). Release Uranus-Eris-POF also sextiles Clinton’s Uranus, which is conjoined the Release MC in Gemini,
so the opportunity to shock and disrupt her campaign in a dramatically public
way (MC) may endure for awhile.
…squares Release Mars
(Scorpio)-HRC SNode-Jupiter (Scorpio-Sagittarius). Revelations (Moon) designed to challenge (Mars) Clinton’s growth
and success (Jupiter-Node). Release Mars
also squares HRC’s elevated Leo Saturn, so the damage is meant to impact
her reputation and authority as well. It also, of course, challenges her to
take responsibility for whatever went wrong. Donald Trump’s immediate reaction
was to accuse Clinton of throwing Wasserman-Schultz “under the bus,” over the
revelations, but other reports have said that Wasserman-Schultz chose to resign
“after the Convention.” Her demise seems to have its roots in more than one set
of revelations, however: she was nowhere to be seen on Day 1, her departure
being expedited
to heal divisions.
…trines HRC Uranus-Release MC. Release
MC-HRC Uranus also squares Clinton’s Moon
(Pisces), which is in turn being assaulted by wounded healer Chiron (Pisces),
so the release impacted her in a shocking, deeply personal way. Can Clinton
transcend this attack to heal Democratic divisions—perhaps this will be the week’s
major theme. Is it her destiny (her Jupiter/Node trines this Gemini grouping)
to heal the nation in some potent way? At the moment it hardly feels that way,
but crazier things have happened and time will tell.
…quincunxes both Release ASC
(Virgo) and Sun (Cancer). Release ASC
and Release Sun also sextile each other here, and even though these dual
quincunxes do not constitute a yod (that requires slower-moving points
involved), there’s still plenty of frustration to go around here. Cardinal full
Moons are known to be aggressive, and the Cancer-Capricorn Moon on the 19th
(during Trump’s Convention) did not disappoint, so this waning aspect is
pushing for action against some frustrating resistance. The Release was a “venting”
of a seed idea sown at the July 4th New Moon (12°+Cancer), conjunct the Sibly
Sun (representing the Executive or President). Preventing Clinton from capturing
that prize was clearly an objective.
To put things into context, it
should be added here that the DNC
acknowledges their computer systems were compromised by Russian hackers
(the Russians deny this, of course) as long as a year ago; undoubtedly, we’ll
see more about this Russian connection as the election heats up with two official
Release Venus-Mercury conjoin HRC Mars-Pluto and HRC Sun/Node (all Leo),
square HRC Venus-Chiron (Scorpio) and trine Release Saturn (Rx, Sagittarius). Communication
which results in a loss of respect for the impacted person (Sun/Node midpoint)
reflects Mercury’s role here, but Venus transiting HRC’s powerful Mars-Pluto
while it trines Release Saturn Rx suggests that the attempt to “frame” Clinton could
ricochet back on the perpetrators, especially once Saturn goes direct in August.
Venus and Saturn here also validate HRC’s defensiveness
about “right-wing conspiracies” (Release Venus squares her Scorpio
Venus-Chiron). A big part of the mistrust many people feel for HRC has its
roots in her Mars-Pluto square to Venus-Chiron; demonstrating that she can make
the “right use of power” (her Mars-Pluto and transiting Venus-trine-Saturn)
would go a long way towards healing that damaging mistrust.
Release Jupiter (Virgo) opposes HRC Moon-Release Chiron (Pisces);
Release ASC/Jupiter sextiles Release Mars (Scorpio)-HRC ASC-SNode and squares
HRC Uranus-Release MC. It is abundantly clear that Wikileaks’ actions
were launched as a tactical (Virgo) cyber-attack, or worse, an attempt to incite
a physical attack (impacting her ASC-SNode). Jupiter’s ongoing opposition to
Pisces Chiron seems to enables extremist viewpoints, which could also have
incited the stubborn “booing” she received from disgruntled “Sanders or Bust”
supporters on Convention Day 1. This fits the “emotional catharsis” one
commentator proposed to explain that outpouring. It could have also inspired the
protective “circling of the wagons” attempt to unify/heal the party which we
saw in Day 1’s primetime speeches.
Release Uranus-Eris-POF (Aries) inconjoins Release Mars (Scorpio)-HRC Mercury-ASC-SNode
(Scorpio) and Release Jupiter/ASC (Virgo). Again, the malicious intent (Uranus-Eris-POF
to Mars) of the Release is clear, and it’s not surprising that a foreign nation’s
(Russia) “fingerprints” are thought to be all over this (Jupiter/Node).
Political and religious interests may also be entwined somehow (Chinese
nationalists reportedly prefer Trump’s approach to Muslims than Hillary’s),
and anti-HRC players may seek another legal inquiry (also Jupiter/Node related).
Whatever one feels about HRC, there’s a clear feeling of her being harassed and
threatened in these abrasive aspects.
Release Pluto conjoins HRC Jupiter/Juno (all Capricorn), sextiles HRC
Chiron-Venus, squares HRC Part of Fortune (Aries) and HRC Neptune (Libra),
trines Release Node-Jupiter (Virgo) and inconjoins Release Mercury-Venus-HRC
Mars-Pluto (Leo). This is another crazy-complicated network of powerful
energies, which we’ll unpack below:
Release Pluto conjoins HRC
Jupiter/Juno (Capricorn). This would seem to indicate that the “Powers-that-Be”
(political and economic) are behind HRC, who just happens to be a Juno-type
herself, a
stateswoman in her own right and the wife of a former leader who was at one
time infamous for his Jupiter/Zeus-like unfaithful behavior. Still, Bill
Clinton retains his Jupiterian charm and popularity, despite his excesses (like
meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on a tarmac when he clearly shouldn’t
have). Pluto’s other connections here don’t quite indicate a “coronation” of
HRC, however.
…sextiles HRC Chiron-Venus. Power
is available to HRC, but comes at a painful price. We’ve certainly seen this
with Pluto’s long transit to this point, encompassing investigations, and so
…squares HRC Part of Fortune (Aries)
and HRC Neptune (Libra). Another long-term transit, Pluto’s square here
completes a transiting t-square with these two opposition points, which reflects
the grit and determination HRC has shown in this grueling campaign. This t-square
also ties into the Sibly chart, forming an interchart grand cross with its
Cancer Sun (the Executive, chart not shown) that takes in Sibly Saturn (Libra)
as well. While this provides a deeply motivating context, there’s also a sense
that she sees the presidency as a higher calling (Neptune-POF), not simply a
personal ambition.
… trines Release Node-Jupiter
(Virgo). As we’ve seen in the earlier discussion, this Jupiter in Virgo
is not all sweetness and light and it connects with several of Clinton’s
personal points, so Pluto trine this point reads like a potential trap. Could
this reflect the trials of Sumerian nature goddess Inanna (Virgo) at the hands
of her Underworld sister, Erishkegal (Pluto in Capricorn)? In one version of
the story, Inanna is essentially trapped in that Underworld, humiliated, stripped
and hung up on metal hooks; in another version she is released, but only when
she trades her husband for the favor.
Clearly this is not to be taken
literally, but it does suggest attempts to entrap HRC in a network of forces beyond
her control that radically undermine her. With Release Jupiter also opposing Chiron and Clinton’s Moon,
the intent to wound her on a deep primal level is obvious. Ironically, her
self-confidence and refusal to be sidelined by the male establishment were sorely
needed to bring her this far, but her outward bravado may be something of a
mask. Would voters like her better if she caved into these power plays? Could Pluto
transform her bravado so it feels more authentic to the unconvinced?
…inconjoins Release
Mercury-Venus-HRC Mars-Pluto (Leo). Pluto (especially in Saturn-ruled
Capricorn) can be a deeply misogynistic energy, and nothing offends a
misogynist more deeply than a powerful woman who refuses to be sidelined. This
aspect taps into Clinton’s fixed Leo-Scorpio energies, which provide that
staunch resistance, so the power struggle represented here is far from over. Michelle
Obama’s motherly advice to go “high” when the opposition goes “low” (paraphrased
from her powerful Day 1 speech) is good advice.
What’s it all about,
These are heavy times in world politics, and if this chart
says anything, it’s that power dynamics have become pathological. Can we take an
uplifting high road when so much of the world (including the U.S.) seems intent
on taking the very low alternative? At the risk of sounding biased, I would say
that last night’s Convention speeches were hopeful in this regard. The anguish
in Bernie Sanders’ supporters was palpable as he urgently encouraged them to
take the leap of faith in Clinton that he’s decided to take. His most diehard
supporters, however, are simply not ready to give up the dream he inspired in
them and “get real.”
We didn’t touch upon Saturn and Neptune’s transiting square above
(saving the best for last?), but this long-term square has bedeviled the
campaign for months and continues to enable chaos. In this biwheel, the square
spans Clinton’s 1st and 4th houses, so she’s been feeling
the chaos in deeply personal ways. She seems to have strong recuperative
powers, however, with her 12th house Sun (Scorpio) and other
personal planets, so her “steady hand” on the helm may be more than just a
campaign slogan.
The Saturn-Neptune square has also left open from day one the
possibility that reality and dreams would clash in the end. Is Clinton worthy
of the leap of faith Sanders wants his supporters to make? If she takes nothing
else away from this Convention and the attempts to derail her, I hope it’s a
new (or renewed) determination to be just that.
Robertson is a practicing astrologer, writer and former university English
instructor. A graduate of the Faculty of Astrological Studies (U.K.), Raye
focuses on mundane, collective-oriented astrology, with a particular interest
in current affairs, culture and media, the astrology of generations, and public
concerns such as education and health. Several of her articles on these topics
have been featured in The Mountain Astrologer and other publications over the
years. Raye can be contacted by comment here, or
© Raye Robertson 2016. All
rights reserved.