"I want more life."--Roy Batty, Blade Runner (1982)
Since 1989, Americans have been
watching the longest-running “reality” show, COPS – riding along with police
officers as they interacted with people in criminal and compromising situations
that more often than not, ended in arrests. Eight days ago, on the 9th,
in the midst of nationwide protests condemning abusive police practices and
calling for deep reforms in the nation’s approach to law enforcement, COPS was canceled. In response, the L.A.
Times ran a story describing a new podcast titled “Running from Cops”
by media analyst Dan Taberski, who “grew up watching COPS” and decided because
it had become as “mundane as wallpaper,” in our social discourse, it was worth
researching as a pop culture phenomenon—a highly manipulated media product, in fact:
“They ultimately collected 90,000 data points, which they compared year
by year to statistics from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting in order to
determine how the real world compared to “Cops.”
They found that drug crime was much more prevalent than it is in real
life (35% of the crime on “Cops” versus 13% in reality), as were prostitution
(5% on “Cops” versus less than 1% in reality) and violent crime (7% of the
crime on “Cops” vs. 4% in real life).
’Basically, it presents a world that is much more dangerous
than real life,’ Taberski said. ‘It presents the police as being much more
successful than they really are. It misrepresents crime by people of color —
the raw numbers are about the same but the show front-loads crime, and
especially violent crime, by people of color. And anyone who’s worked in television,
especially reality television, knows that you front-load your best stuff, you
hook people in the first act.”
Perhaps the most disturbing
development in COPS’ history was, as Taberski noted, that the program’s content
has become as “mundane as wallpaper” to its viewership—in other words, its
distorted, inherently biased perspective had, through repeated viewings
(sometimes several episodes in one day),
permeated viewers’ perception of law enforcement and the challenges it faces—so
much so that precious few actually questioned
the picture of American society it portrayed, in which cops were untouchable
heroes who work in “good cop/bad cop” teams, and their “catches” were
insignificant bit players in the scene who were almost always in the wrong.
Artist Rob Rogers' spin on our current dilemma. |
Taberski wonders out loud how much
of that perception perhaps enabled the deadly police brutality that inspired
the past four weeks of continuous protests in streets across the nation—I
wonder if he recalls that prescient line from Blade Runner, in which Bryant, the main character’s former boss,
chides him into cooperating with a new replicant-destroying mission by saying:
“Stop right where you are! You know the score, pal. You're
not cop, you're little people!”
In fact, in 1982, that comment
couldn’t have been better-timed – Saturn and Pluto would be coming
together later that year for a new cycle in late Libra (the one that just ended
and relaunched in Capricorn this past January, square to that 1982 Libra
point), and when Blade Runner was
released on June 25, 1982, Saturn squared the Nodal axis
(Cancer-Capricorn), suggesting that we would see a harsh societal trend
towards authoritarian police practices, along with power dynamics expressed
more broadly in society.
Actor Rutger Hauer just died at age 75. |
As lush and beautiful as Blade Runner was in so many
respects—with stunning, memorable performances (rest in peace, Rutger
Hauer)—it was also about a dystopian state hunting down and assassinating
“more human than human” beings who just wanted to live out the time they were given as free entities (they had staged
a rebellion on a slave colony “off planet”) and were willing to rebel and fight
for that right. Sometimes we might
wonder if today’s rogue police targeting people of color conceive of themselves
as being the “enforcers” in a contemporary “slave rebellion?”
I’ve always contended that media
products (those with staying power)—such as we’ve seen with both COPS and Blade Runner—pick up on important
astrological themes in play during the times they are released; importantly, they
function like windows on our collective consciousness.
Unfortunately, the tragic extremes
of the power dynamics these two media products picked up on has been playing
out on our streets ever since, and as a still-new, hard-nosed Capricorn Saturn-Pluto cycle begins to have
its say, these extreme manifestations—encapsulated in the shockingly
cold-blooded killing of George Floyd—are exploding into demands for change.
We’ve seen an existential turning point unfold before our eyes, and clearly,
the struggle to navigate this moment is just getting going.
These same issues have been
sensitive for decades—protests responding to police killings of unarmed black
individuals are nothing new—but somehow, there seems to be a consensus that this time feels different. Aside from
the fact that this time an impressive number of white individuals have joined the protests, and that they’re doing
so from all types of communities, urban to rural, I would suggest that this time
is different, indeed, because we are now in the new phase of a Saturn-Pluto cycle, as opposed to
being in the waning 3rd quarter of the last one. And, this Capricorn cycle happens
to be ruled by Saturn, so the focus on institutional state authority is highly
Bottom line, there’s a palpable difference in the mood and ability
to break through into actual change between those two phases.
"Defund Police" has become shorthand for a much broader reform agenda. |
Along those lines, Politico.com
is featuring a headline this morning that kind of says it all: ”How ‘Defund
the Police’ went from Moonshot to Mainstream,” subtitling it with “A rallying
cry once on the margins is now driving the debate around the country as Americans
reckon with a law enforcement regime increasingly seen as unjust and
Of course, the impulse between the two houses of Congresses has
been to politicize even the most obvious and straightforward decisions—should
there be a federal law banning the use of chokeholds by police, or should we
just say “pretty please don’t choke
people to death,” and count on voluntary restraint?
The fact that we have to argue over
that point is evidence that substantive change will meet obstacles every step of
the way, but we have to keep in mind that the change people are seeking
requires more than tinkering around the edges of racial bias and police
brutality, slapping a few wrists, phasing out the Aunt
Jemima brand and other racist icons, and sinking back into default
behaviors—the idea is to totally re-envision policing in America, and to
engineer a fresh new system that clearly defines the role of police forces in society
and helps to restore people’s trust in this vital public safety institution.
not just about weeding out and holding the “bad apples” accountable, although
there’s certainly some of that—no, we’re talking about a wholesale
transformation (Pluto) in the institutional culture
of policing, and it’s hard to imagine that these two planetary “heavies” won’t
produce some progress along these
lines unless we seriously blow our opportunity to get this right.
This would be a good place to
revisit that Saturn-Pluto cycle launch to more closely consider what the
potentials are for this type of transformation, and what might be the obstacles
and pitfalls. Let’s begin:
#1: Saturn-0-Pluto, January 12, 2020, 11:45:34 a.m. ST, Washington, D.C. Tropical Equal Houses, True Node. Author
cast on Kepler 8.0, with thanks to Cosmic Patterns Software.
Saturn-Pluto (cycle point) conjoins Mercury,
Ceres, Sun (all Capricorn), square Eris (Aries), and sextile Part-of-Fortune
(Scorpio). Intensely restrictive
times, characterized by barely suppressed violence (12th house Aries
Eris). Prisons—part of the law enforcement system, after all—are the
locus of pain and suffering (12th house Chiron) and wounds that
defy healing. This could reflect the enormous toll that COVID-19 is taking on
overcrowded prisons, or simply the dual threats of incarceration and the
epidemic in general (both are disproportionately impacting minority
Immigration detention camps are deeply inhumane in today's circumstances. |
detention centers (hotbeds of infection these days) are included in this
threatening situation, of course: vilifying the “Other” as the basis for
so-called law enforcement programs is nothing new. Thankfully, the Saturn-Pluto sextile to 7th
house Part-of-Fortune (Scorpio) suggests that we may
finally be able to create systems that reflect some kind of “comfort zone” with
“Others” who have been too often brutalized and disempowered.
Of course, we’ve all been feeling incarcerated during the
COVID lockdown, which slammed the brakes on the economy and threw many
obstacles in our path (Jupiter conjoins So. Node in Capricorn).
and with Uranus (Taurus) also trine this less-than-benevolent
Jupiter, and Neptune
(Pisces) inconjunct Moon (Leo), it seems that our collective nerves and
sense of security are starting to fray, big time. Feelings of being vulnerable
and disrespected are weighing down all concerned, but it would certainly help
to have a wise leader (Saturn disposes Capricorn
stellium) who would at least try to unite us
around what we have in common, rather than dividing us by the usual means.
Conspiracy theories (Neptune
sextile MC and widely trine Cancer No. Node) are flourishing and seem
designed to defend the policing status quo, if not delusional white supremacist
positions (i.e., wounded 70-something Mr. Gugino is an “Antifa
Floyd never died). Calls for change are in the air, certainly—Venus
(Aquarius) sextiles Uranus , and with the two falling in mutual
reception (in each other’s ruling signs), it’s not surprising that things have
snowballed into near-chaos at moments. Chaos catalyzes change, however, so I
wouldn’t consider this a negative, but again, some capable leadership steering
our collective ship through this would help.
This Venus also conjoins
Sibly Moon (the People, chart not shown), sextiles Pallas (Sagittarius)
and squares
that sensitive Part-of-Fortune, which should feel
like a cry for a renewed commitment to justice, for a more profound set of collective
values and some serious soul-searching. What kind of country do we want to
leave our children? One mired in hatred and division, or one that takes
responsibility for its history and flaws and does something about them?
Eris, Goddess of Discord |
Interestingly, Eris rises in Aries
, conjunct the ASC from the 12th, so
yes, disruptions and discord are waiting in the wings as we scramble to get our
arms around the challenges at hand. A
potent Mars in Sagittarius rules this chart from the 8th,
the house where Pluto’s transformative process grabs hold and doesn’t let up
until we consciously work to heal and clear our ancestral karmic heritage (Mars
trines Chiron). To my mind, these energies represent the ongoing
protests—and the way in which they resound like a collective primal scream.
It’s a therapeutic, necessary process and I suspect we will know where most
people stand on the issues at hand by the time the protests finally wind
down. We will never heal without this
process, which requires the courage to face some uncomfortable truths and come
out on the other side.
If Tulsa can face the truth of its horrendous 1921 race massacre
head on after all these years, the nation can do this more broadly.
That’s one choice for expressing this Mars: the other is manifesting in some places where bands of
aggressive, armed militia members are showing up to intimidate peaceful
protesters—for instance, in places like tiny Bethel,
Ohio and Sandpoint,
Idaho. These bands are crossing the line between counter-protesting and thuggery,
designed to intimidate and suppress other people’s rights, and local law
enforcement departments have shown signs of stepping aside and ceding control
to this vigilantism. Communities need to get a handle on this quickly; if they can’t do this, our First
Amendment rights, not to mention our system of “equal treatment under the law” are
in even more precarious shape than we thought.
Even designers are contemplating social transformation in these times. |
thoughts and an announcement
Things tend to heat up and/or become
more oppressive during the more intense moments in a Saturn-Pluto cycle, but
it’s all in the service of deep, fundamental, long-term societal change, so if
we can keep this perspective in the midst of all these policing-related issues
in the coming months, it will probably help. Re-imagining and re-engineering a
sound justice system in this nation is about the most critical task we could
tackle in these times—we simply cannot thrive as a nation if we drift backwards
on this issue, even if our top leadership takes a pass. Social scientist Danielle
Allen describes this imperative as well as I’ve heard anywhere:
“For this time to be different, we need not only the specific
reforms to policing but also a bold and comprehensive project to constitute a
healthy social contract. We need a project not so much of renewal but of
reinvention so that we might at last build a full, inclusive social compact
that empowers all and delivers effective and responsive governance to an
empowered citizenry. We need a new social contract worthy of our recommitment
to U.S. constitutional democracy and one another.”
A world in which the police can
indiscriminately target a person by color and find some pretext for shooting
them in the back, or choking the life out of them (a truly dark Saturn-Pluto tactic that is basically lynching by another name)
is a dystopian nightmare, and I choose to believe that we can do better, and that we are meant
to do better! Thankfully, others in key positions of power to push this
project forward also feel this way;
the least we can do (IMHO) is to facilitate and cooperate as we’re able.
It’s not just about fulfilling the
call of this one planetary cycle, however: we’re also in the end stages of transiting
Pluto’s return to its position in our
Sibly chart between now and February, 2022, and this reality only
reinforces our urgent need to transmute and heal our deep karmic “baggage” as a
nation, and to do so in the context of revisiting and renewing our foundational
values and revolutionary spirit. Which leads me to the following announcement:
Now available on Amazon.com! |
This has been a long time in the
works, but happily I can now announce that I have just published my first E-Book
on Amazon.com, entitled Pluto’s Sibly Return:
Revisiting Paine’s Common Sense for Transformational Times, which is
actually a re-do of a pamphlet I published in 2005, updated for today’s
particular challenges. The story takes a deep history-based dive into this soul
journey we are embarked on as a nation, and I invite you to learn more about it
by clicking on the title and link. I also invite you to click on “Follow” on my
Amazon page– this blog feed is linked into my author’s page and you might find
it’s easier to follow developments there than it is on this Blogger site.
Whatever works for you, I deeply appreciate any and all support, and will be
glad to hear any feedback or comments!
Keep it light!
by Anuradha |
Robertson is a practicing astrologer, writer and former educator. A graduate of
the Faculty of Astrological Studies (U.K.), Raye focuses on mundane,
collective-oriented astrology, with a particular interest in current affairs,
culture and media, the astrology of generations, and public concerns such as
education and health. Several of her articles on these topics have been
featured in The Mountain Astrologer and other publications over the years.
She is
also available to read individual charts—contact her at: robertsonraye@gmail.com.
© Raye Robertson 2020. All
rights reserved.