Thank you, health care workers!! |
— and the wise, effective action that can spring from it — is the counterweight
to the heavy sense of our own fragility. It is a continual negotiation
between optimism and despair, a
continual negation of
cynicism and naïveté. We hope
precisely because we are aware that terrible outcomes are always possible and
often probable, but that the choices we make can impact the outcomes.”
—Maria Popova,
—Maria Popova,
In the midst of rising concern over
the continued global spread of COVID-19 and the economic upheaval it has
produced in the U.S., Saturn made astrological news of its
own late just minutes before midnight on March 21st (EST) by quietly
exiting one of its home signs, Capricorn, to enter the next, Aquarius.
In doing so, it also stepped into a tighter applying orb to its waning
square with Aquarius co-ruler, Uranus, now in earthy Taurus.
So, the Saturn-Uranus cycle will be shortly entering its third-quarter,
waning square (meaning the faster
planet has transited past the opposition point with its slower “partner” and will
be heading back around into its next conjunction.
The third quarter of any planetary
cycle can generate considerable stress because the agenda is to wind down and
sort the useful from the outworn dynamics put in place during the course of
that cycle. Clearly, there’s a lot to
sort through and resolve, from this cycle’s 1988 inception till now—and this
winnowing process is going to unfold on the heels of a global pandemic, of all things. The specific
form all this takes varies with the pair of planets involved, of course—more on
that ahead.
Naturally, we’re curious about what
impact, if any, this particular cycle might have on the course of the COVID-19
pandemic we’re all experiencing, so this will be one big question that frames
our discussion later in this post. But let’s begin at the beginning, with a
look at the basics of this Saturn-Uranus “dance.” For instance,
consider the basic impulses of each planet in Table 1 below:
1. Basic planetary impulses and nature, Saturn v. Uranus.
Earth “god” in mythology
Sky “god” in mythology
Restricts and limits
Establishes order
Rebels against established order
Consolidates influence
Disperses power across masses
Conserves status quo; obstructs change
Overturns status quo, unleashes surprising change
Promotes conformity with structured bureaucracies
Promotes eccentricity and innovation/creativity
Enforces existing laws and regulations
Supports reforms to authority
Counsels moderation
Inspires extremism
Celebrates heritage and traditional mores
Celebrates future-focused ideas and nontraditional
Promotes “realistic” (often change averse)
Promotes rational, experimental viewpoint
Frames arguments with pessimistic viewpoint
Frames arguments with “sky’s the limit” attitude
Dampens public enthusiasm
Electrifies and inspires public enthusiasm
Rewards responsible behavior
Rewards disruption
Reinforces authority by punishing change agents
Disrupts and exposes shortcomings in power
1 teases out the conflicting impulses expressed by Saturn and Uranus,
and these clashing dynamics beg the question: how do these two collaborate as co-rulers of Aquarius? Before the
1781 discovery of Uranus by Sir William Herschel, Saturn was thought to
rule this sign on its own, but the addition of Uranus made sense if we
consider that this discovery expanded the boundaries of the known solar system¸
which had been marked by Saturn up to that point.
Hesiod's Theogony describes relationships among the classical "gods." |
The mythology of these two
figures—the tight, but tortured father-son relationship of Ouranos
(Uranus) and Cronus (Saturn)—probably inspired
this co-rulership because it fit the blatantly adversarial impulses these
energies were observed to express when combined. Change requires a clash
between past and future, between ideas that are accepted as “just the way things
are” and ideas that are generated by rational and scientific processes. Democracy as a viable social system was
the product of the rational-thinking Enlightenment-era philosophy that came of
age around the time Uranus was discovered.
In fact, humanity has ensured its
survival and improved its social situations thus far by applying its
intellectual brilliance to practical, earth-bound problems. This has been done systematically
over time, but it can also unfold chaotically, challenging the value of tradition
and pushing technical limits, preserving what is essential and moving on
through the genius of innovation into new technologies and inventions that
serve human needs. So the clash
between these dueling impulses is the
point, after all, because just like positive and negative particles can be
harnessed to generate electricity (an Aquarian specialty), the bipolar
forces ruling Aquarius spark its creative power.
It takes two opposite charges to power new ideas.. |
Over time, the conventional wisdom
of mundane astrology in regards to this unique cycle has evolved in response to
observation. The results (at least through the mid-20th century) is
well-compiled and expressed in the work of Michael Baigent, Nicholas Campion
and Charles Harvey in their collaborative work, Mundane Astrology: An introduction to the astrology of nations and
where they basically cite key ways in which history has correlated with the
stress points of this cycle. An extended excerpt is in order here:
“As a result of studies covering 1625 to the present time, Barbault
[André] identifies this 45-year cycle as a right-wing and essentially
conservative/authoritarian process which emphasizes the politics of Order. He
finds it strongly associated with the development of ‘imperialist’ tendencies
and with capitalism. This agrees with astroeconomic analysis which points to
this cycle as a crucial one in the ebb and flow of investment and production in
heavy industry…In broader terms it can also be seen to relate to the practical
‘earthing’ of brilliant ideas, insights, inventions, reforms and so on.”
The authors also detail ways in
which this cycle seems to closely correlate with the history of conflict and
upheaval in the Middle East, a region where the Saturn-Pluto cycle is
also seen as especially active. It would seem then that the Middle East is
subject to a tense, three-way dynamic between Saturn-Uranus-Pluto, which
certainly reflects the volatility of that region, the prevalence of
super-wealthy authoritarian regimes, the key role played by big oil wealth (Pluto),
and the ever-simmering possibility of mass rebellions and widespread disorder,
as we’ve seen in Palestinian protests against Israeli occupations, the
so-called Arab Spring of 2010-11 that lit up the entire region and resulted in
a tragically destructive civil war in Syria, not to mention upheaval in Egypt
and in 2015, a horrendous civil war and humanitarian crisis in Yemen.
Democratic aspirations spread like wildfire in the Arab world in 2010-11. |
Interestingly, the 2010 chaos in the
Middle East may have been most immediately triggered by the launch of two
idealistic, mass-upheaval-oriented cycles: Jupiter-Uranus in Aquarius (May,
2009), which was closely followed by
the militant June, 2020 Jupiter-Neptune cycle in
Aries in June, 2020. The amazing way in which the uprising spread to
all corners of the Arab world from one dramatic incident in Tunisia in
December, 2010 was certainly captured by the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in
Pisces that was made possible by Jupiter’s July-November 2010 retrograde
(more on this ahead).
It should be noted that the causes
and goals of the uprising were very well defined—what happened across the
Middle East wasn’t merely an emotional contagion or social media hysteria of
some kind, even though the May, 2009 and June, 2020 Jupiter cycles noted
might have supported such phenomena.
According to Wikipedia, the uprising’s causes and goals were:
Caused by
Notice how closely the “causes”
noted above are related to the most toxic expressions of the Saturn-Uranus
and Saturn-Pluto cycles (see here for more on Saturn-Pluto), which were both in
waning mode at the time, having begun in February, 1988 (at 29°+Sagittarius) and
November, 1982 (at 27°+Libra),
respectively. Then notice how the “goals” sound more related to the lighter Jupiter
cycles that had launched so recently at that time. So why didn’t the
idealistic Jupiter-Uranus-Neptune mass movement have the desired result in
so many places?
For starters, by definition, events
triggered by a Jupiter cycle tend to be more short-lived and/or vulnerable to
the heavy recuperative powers of the slower, more institutional Saturn
cycles. Perhaps the people’s efforts would have had more staying power
if the Saturn-Uranus cycle was hitting a critical point in 2010. This difference
between Jupiter and Saturn cycles explains why
revolutions—even widely embraced ones—are so difficult to sustain for the
long-term. Indeed, it appears that cosmic timing was everything with the
ill-fated Arab Rising rebellions in another way, as well: the events of
December 2010 transpired during Jupiter’s “shadow” period (while it
was retracing the degrees it lost to a long retrograde).
Our times have allowed authoritarian impulses to fluorish. |
This retracing would have reinforced the desires that fueled the rebellions, but it might have also succumbed too easily to the controlling Saturn-Uranus-Pluto energies at work. With only the exception of Tunisia, in due course, these methodically beat back the Arab Spring rebellions and recuperated their authoritarian control. This begs the question why Saturn-Uranus would lean towards right-wing/authoritarianism, as well: doesn’t Uranus lean toward democracy?
In fact, it seems that during tense
moments in their cycle, the change produced by Uranus in response to
public unrest tends to be co-opted by Saturn’s isolationist, consolidating
force, and the result is often fascist-style systems in which political power
is strongly centralized in the hands of a “strong man” type or—as happens with
kleptocracies—a similar figure who closely allies himself (it’s almost always a
male) with corporate moguls or oligarchs. The strong man characterizes himself as the "only one" who can save the people from the chaos their aspirations have created.
Thankfully, Jupiter-Uranus cycles
have tended more towards democratic revolutions—again, provided Saturn
doesn’t get a chance to rein in this drive for People power. The American Revolution’s democratic idealism was most immediately
seeded by the 1775 Jupiter-Uranus cycle that launched in 3°+Gemini.
The Revolution unfolded during the 1st quarter of the 1761 Saturn-Uranus
cycle, during a waxing trine, which probably protected our fledgling
democracy from becoming overly invested in a strong Executive (overthrowing
monarchy was the whole point) . but clearly, we shouldn’t have
taken this protection for granted over the long term.
Revolutions rarely succeed in achieving their goals; food for thought? |
Each nation has dealt with these
cycles in its own distinct context (i.e., interactions with the relevant radix and
leader charts), but in all cases, there’s a push-pull dynamic that must be
navigated between deeply-entrenched authoritarian dynamics and lighter,
democratic aspirations.
In one startling and timely example,
for instance, who would have guessed that Syria’s Bashar al-Assad would respond
to the peaceful Arab Spring protests in his nation by lashing out so ruthlessly
against his own people, to the point of bringing in outside assistance from Iran
and Russia to brutally crush any remaining pockets of rebellion? See Chart #1 for Assad’s nativity, set for
noon (no time known). Data from
#1: Bashar Al-Assad,
September 11, 1965, 12 p.m. DST (no time known), Damascus, Syria. Tropical Equal Houses, True Node.
Assad proved willing to work with
any and all controversial forces willing to get involved in order to retain his
own power. In retrospect, perhaps it would have helped to notice that the
dominant feature of Assad’s birth chart (noon, no time known) for September 11,
1965 in Damascus, is a mutable Sun-Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo
opposite Chiron and Saturn in Neptunian Pisces. He was born capable of adapting (mutable signs)
to any situation and feeling absolutely entitled
to do so by any means necessary. He was born capable of imagining any
conspiracy and or "Us v. Them" scenario that would justify the heinous crimes he
would direct against the Syrian people. All for the sake of the power he
inherited from his father, Hafiz Al-Assad.
With his Neptune disposing and
trining his Saturn from Plutonian Scorpio, the son would
have likely considered any power-sharing
arrangements or loss of power as a betrayal of his dynastic family. This
willingness to wreak havoc for the sake of power is also seen in his applying Uranus-Pluto
conjunction—in September, 1965, one month before the new cycle perfected,
this would have fallen in the final degrees of the 1850 cycle that launched in
volatile 29°+ Aries.
It seems that Syria's civil war has been mostly waged against civilians. |
So, Assad approached his people’s
unrest and dissatisfaction in March, 2011 with an absolute willingness to
re-assert his power in the most brutal fashion possible: not coincidentally,
Assad’s natal Uranus-Pluto conjunction had moved into its super-volatile
opening square from cardinal Aries-Pluto by that time—the
universe threw down a challenging gauntlet to this man’s hold on power and he
reacted from the deepest, darkest recesses of his Uranus-Pluto nature.
By the time Syria erupted in civil
war, the Saturn-Uranus cycle was almost two years into its second
quarter (opposition) phase: the tension and instability produced by its 5/2009 opposition
between mutable 24°+Virgo and 24°+Pisces had had time to
build up and ultimately explode in December, 2010, an explosion that was
exacerbated and reinforced by the hopeful Jupiter cycles discussed earlier,
but unfortunately, the heavy Saturn-Pluto square (Libra-Capricorn) that
was simultaneously unfolding (first hit in November, 2009) was poised to
suppress both the rebellion and the
In fact, the atrocities
directed at civilian populations (including chemical weapons attacks) that have distinguished the Syrian Civil War have
produced a major refugee crisis estimated to have displaced
13.5 Syrian people, now living in the most precarious conditions imaginable
and causing considerable disruption to their beleaguered host countries.
All of this unfolded with great
complexity during the final years of the 1982 Saturn-Pluto cycle, with
several regional players, including ISIS, Russia, Iran, Turkey, the Kurds and the U.S.
playing intermittent roles in it. Unfortunately, the hostilities are ongoing as
we speak. Clearly, the final waning years of any Saturn cycle can be
brutal and repressive, but now that the new cycle has begun (since January,
2020), perhaps the situation will also turn a corner. It’s also fair to wonder
whether the waning days of the Saturn-Uranus cycle we’re
considering here might finally make a
Camps like these are in grave danger of the pandemic as we speak. |
The placement of Saturn and Uranus in fixed signs Aquarius-Taurus makes compromise
difficult to envision, of course, yet economic and structural disintegration, exacerbated
by the reality of COVID-19 within his borders may finally force Assad to bend.
Not surprisingly, the United Nations has called for a total ceasefire of
hostilities in Syria to counter the spread of COVID-19. From a U.N. news release:
“We need the kind of sustained period of calm that a nationwide ceasefire
would ensure because we need cooperation to take place across the front-lines
that riddle Syria’s territory – and this is needed not tomorrow, but now”, Geir
Pedersen said in a videoconference with Security Council members.
Years of conflict have degraded or destroyed the healthcare system, the
UN envoy pointed out, stressing that that the virus does not care if you live
in government-controlled areas or outside; “it endangers all Syrians”.
Given large scale population movements, dangerously cramped conditions in
multiple camps for the internally displaced, informal settlements, and places
of detention, he voiced concern that “Syria is at high risk of being unable to
contain the pandemic.” Moreover, weak or absent governance, a hollowed-out
health system, and shortages of health professionals, medical equipment and
supplies, only add to the crisis.”
This statement suggests that Assad’s
government is weak, yet it’s the ruling authority and it’s unlikely to be
rebuilding the critical infrastructure it destroyed with its war on the
people. Can such a government survive
the ravages of a pandemic? Or is Syria already a failed state in every sense
that really matters, and the pandemic will simply reveal that to be true and
force some kind of transition?
When the Saturn-Uranus cycle officially reaches its waning square in Februrary, 2021, it will light up the 7th degree of Aquarius-Taurus, conjunct Syria’s[2] So. Node (7°+Aquarius, chart not shown) and opposite its Leo Pluto—if the end of the current regime is imminent, that might be an opportune time period for a transition.
When the Saturn-Uranus cycle officially reaches its waning square in Februrary, 2021, it will light up the 7th degree of Aquarius-Taurus, conjunct Syria’s[2] So. Node (7°+Aquarius, chart not shown) and opposite its Leo Pluto—if the end of the current regime is imminent, that might be an opportune time period for a transition.
In other posts, we’ve discussed how Neptune
rules pandemics; however, a nation’s ability to ride out such a rolling
tragedy is closely related to its internal power dynamics and the structural integrity
of its institutions, so it’s fair to conclude that Syria is living through a
major Saturn-Uranus-Pluto cautionary tale.
enters Aquarius, and then re-enters
We’ve definitely confirmed mundane
astrology’s conventional wisdom regarding how intensely the Saturn-Uranus
cycle expresses itself in the Middle East, however we can’t ignore this
cycle’s impact elsewhere. For instance, this cycle (along with the Saturn-Pluto
cycle) has spoken to America’s increasingly entangled involvement in
that Middle East region since the 1980s and 90s. The 1988 cycle launched at the
volatile 29°+Sagittarius,
just in time for the George Herbert Walker Bush administration and his
interesting alliance with Saudi Arabia, not to mention his determination to rein
in Saddam Hussein’s regional ambitions. All of that led, of course, to a series
of wars and military adventures that we’re still trying to end.
Let’s consider how this waning 3rd
quarter is poised to unfold with Saturn:
Saturn first entered Aquarius
on 3/22/20;
Saturn stations Rx on 5/11/2020 at 1°Aqu 57’
Saturn turns Direct on 9/29/2020 at 25°Capricorn 20’
Saturn’s “shadow period” will thus
be 9/29/2020 to 1/3/2021, at which point Saturn will have retraced the
degrees it lost to this long retrograde period.
Saturn squares Uranus (officially
entering their waning square period) on February 17, 2021, at 7°+Aquarius-Taurus.
While all this is transpiring
between Saturn and Uranus, Jupiter will be catching up
with Saturn
to close out their 2000 Taurus cycle and begin a fresh new
airy cycle at 0°+Aquarius
on December 20, 2020 —a topic that deserves a much deeper
dive in a future post—but for now, let’s just be aware that this will be
happening less than three weeks before Saturn and Uranus officially enter
their waning square.
As noted earlier, we’re interested here in considering how the Saturn-Uranus dynamics of these times are likely to impact our current COVID-19 challenge. Even as I write this, these two are within orb of a square, so it stands to reason that we’ll experience some impact long before next February.
As noted earlier, we’re interested here in considering how the Saturn-Uranus dynamics of these times are likely to impact our current COVID-19 challenge. Even as I write this, these two are within orb of a square, so it stands to reason that we’ll experience some impact long before next February.
U.S. context
Since we’re concerned with Saturn’s
ingress into Aquarius here (and secondarily, its square with Uranus),
let’s consider how the chart for that ingress looks against the U.S. Sibly
chart. This should give us some insight into near-term events, including the
#1: (inner wheel) USA-Sibly
chart, July 4, 1776, 5:10 p.m. LMT, Philadelphia, PA; (outer wheel) Saturn
Aquarius Ingress, March 21, 2020, 11:56:37 p.m. DST, Washington, D.C.. Tropical Equal Houses, True Node.
Ingress Sun (Aries) squares Sibly
Jupiter-Venus (Cancer) and sextiles Ingress Uranus (Taurus). It’s an
amazing instance of synchronicity that this ingress transpired within a day of
the Sun’s
ingress—the chart for which we often use to predict the overall tone of the
entire year to come. Likewise, it’s very feasible that we’ll be feeling the
significance of Saturn’s ingress into Aquarius through the rest of this
year into the next, when its waning square with Uranus perfects. More
about that ahead; here, we see the significance of this ingress for the
everyday economy we all depend upon (Sibly Jupiter-Venus) and the
opportunity Ingress Uranus now has to upset that apple cart.
I wouldn’t
dream of making light of the disruption this is causing to working families and
businesses, but we may discover some unexpected “silver lining” to the
situation as we go. Countless instances of everyday heroism and community
spirit have already transpired—it will be good to see some of this translate
into cooperation beyond our borders, as well (Ingress Uranus sextiles 7th
house Sibly Jupiter-Venus).
T-Square: Ingress Saturn conjoins Sibly
So. Node (Aquarius, opposing No. Node); this axis squares Ingress Uranus
(Taurus). This aspect is a bit concerning—but, as we know, these are
precarious times. Doubly concerning is the fact that in February, the exact Saturn-Uranus
waning square will perfect at 7°14’
reinforcing whatever impact this aspect is likely to have. With the Sibly
nodal axis spanning Sibly 2nd-8th, the danger of public
mortality figures growing is uncomfortably real, with damage being done to the
“big E” economy in the process.
The historical precedent is also sobering: the
so-called Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 featured Neptune conjoined Sibly No. Node,
with Saturn opposing Uranus across late Leo-Aquarius axis, catching Sibly Moon
on the Aquarius side, while Saturn also inconjoined Sibly Pluto (Capricorn).
This was such a volatile transition period between WWI and the 1930s
Depression—the country was really never the same after all this. A long story for
another day!
Wm. Barr is asking Congress for extraordinary DOJ powers during COVID crisis. |
Epidemic Pallas-Jupiter-Mars-Pluto
(Capricorn) conjoin Sibly Pluto, oppose Sibly Mercury (Cancer) and trine Sibly
Neptune (Virgo). These strong cardinal dynamics are clearly pointing to
the overwhelming stress that all our
national systems are experiencing at this juncture—the stock market and working
economy, the Law (and Justice system), health care, education, media, national
security and the military (Ingress Mars quincunxes Sibly Mars),
and probably more.
The trines to Sibly Neptune probably reflect
the aspirations embodied in 2020 Election campaigns, even though we’re not
quite sure what form all that will take going forward. There’s a sense that the
nation is going through a massively disruptive transition, which accords with its
impending Pluto return unfolding at the same time Neptune (Pisces) is
transiting opposite Sibly Neptune (Virgo).
If we’re starting to feel overwhelmed, the heavy sluggishness of these Saturn- and Neptune-ruled dynamics offer reasons aplenty.
For starters, they certainly explain the passive aggressive inertia with which the Trump administration has hobbled its pandemic response. CNN reported yesterday that the Pentagon is sitting on thousands of ventilators because no one told them where to ship them!! Is this willful incompetence, or just "ordinary" incompetence?
How true to form that because Trump finally
acknowledged the seriousness of the situation he’s being hailed as some
kind of conquering hero by his “deer-in-the-headlights” cheering squad.
Meanwhile, state officials are pit against each other on the open market for the equipment they need, while other equipment is shipped out of the country! That would be fine if we had a surplus of these items, but our own health care workers in several hard-hit states are grossly underequipped, left to endanger
themselves every day of the week for the sake of caring for all of us!
Ingress No. Node conjoins Sibly
Jupiter/Venus (midpoint, Cancer). This configuration is hopeful,
reflecting the trend toward joining forces with others of like mind to serve
our common needs. We’ve already seen so many unique ways that people have found
to band together for some purpose—sewing surgical masks and other items,
clapping together as a community for health care workers, promoting awareness,
looking out for the needy in their communities, being extra kind and patient in
the midst of all this, and so much more. Cancer wants to nurture others, so
it’s an impulse that fits the needs of our times to a tee.
One of the most insightful comments
I’ve heard this week was a wry observation made by WWII-era British Prime
Minister, Winston
Churchill, who had quite a challenge gaining U.S. support for Britain
during that war: “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing…after exhausting all the alternatives.”
To our credit as a nation, we’re
probably on track to be doing the right things about COVID-19, but we would be
unwise to think everything will proceed in an organized, competent fashion from
here forward. With Neptune poised to sabotage even well-meant efforts left and
right, and a White House that can’t stop patting itself on the back long enough
to actually get essential equipment in the hands of those who need it, we’re
far from out of the pandemic woods.
So what are the major Saturn-Uranus
takeaways for all this? I’m struck by how critical it is at this
juncture in the U.S. that we harness the highest
expressions of these two because the lower
expressions have historically been oppressive and nothing to wish for. These
higher expressions could help us get beyond our present chaos and dysfunction to
renew our democratic institutions and engineer a more enlightened economic
system, not to mention a gentler, wiser social order. If we miss our chance—and
there will be opportunities to “exhaust all the alternatives” first, we could
find ourselves forced into accepting a much more oppressive order just to
conserve the status quo or worse, and the ever-diminishing returns it offers
ordinary working families.
Bottom line, an important passage looms
ahead with this pair’s waning square. Both world wars were either fought or
begun under one brutal Saturn-Uranus cycle that launched in
1897 in late Scorpio; its 1930-42 waning square saw the beginnings of Nazi
atrocities across Europe as Hitler and Mussolini consolidated their power over
their own people and colluded in the extermination of millions in the 1941-45
Holocaust. The U.S. waited for its
December 1941 Pearl Harbor cue to get involved—still within that final waning
square—but the rest of the war unfolded during the new phase of the May 1942
cycle that launched in late Taurus, square Sibly Moon (Aquarius).
The May 1942 cycle covered such
highlights as our WWII victory, the Cold War and a new world order arranged around two opposed
“superpowers” with nuclear weapons pointed at each other, the beginnings of
U.S. involvement in the Middle East, the Viet Nam War and the Watergate conspiracy and scandal. That cycle's
final waning square (10-1975 to 2/1988) featured an Arab oil crisis, deep
recessions and economic dysfunctions, leaving the nation vulnerable to forces
who favored globalized trade and borderless, “free market” capitalism. These "neoliberal" forces also rejected
the role that government and labor unions had played in reining in the worst
impulses of capitalism during the nation’s 1950s middle class expansion.
In fact, in support of those neoliberal forces, under presidents like Ronald Reagan and
G.W.H. Bush, government became the “problem” instead of the “solution” to
American needs. By the time Saturn and Uranus reconnected for
their fiery February, 1988 cycle in late Sagittarius, the seeds for decades
of war in the Middle East were sown, and the rest is history.
This rather long account reminds us
that the high points of the cycle we’re examining are often associated with war
and destruction of some kind, but the underlying drive of this cycle is toward structural social change, and war is one (the most dismal) way of doing that. Historically we've seen that this change is often imposed from outside for the sake of consolidating the change
agent’s power over some desired territory, resource, etc.
“Regime changes” embarked upon with the pretext of protecting “national security” or restoring order are common examples, and the U.S. has an obvious history with all this. Even where we haven't been involved, however, this cycle often results in one nation overturning the sovereignty of another nation by force.
“Regime changes” embarked upon with the pretext of protecting “national security” or restoring order are common examples, and the U.S. has an obvious history with all this. Even where we haven't been involved, however, this cycle often results in one nation overturning the sovereignty of another nation by force.
These are the possibilities for Saturn-Uranus
that we would all like to
avoid, I suspect. IMHO, it’s well past time to begin re-inventing ourselves
here at home for the sake of a higher good and a more enlightened approach to
life on this planet. That would be a productive use of this cycle.
So here's my hope at this juncture: maybe the forced inactivity we’re
experiencing right now will give at least some of us time to contemplate the road ahead and to
make more conscious use of the power we possess. It's becoming increasingly clear that we must demand better of
our leaders—on both sides of the
aisle. As revolutionary thinker, Thomas Paine famously said, “The Time hath
found us.”
Meanwhile, we all owe a great debt of gratitude to our dedicated health care workers, don't we?!
Robertson is a practicing astrologer, writer and former educator. A graduate of
the Faculty of Astrological Studies (U.K.), Raye focuses on mundane,
collective-oriented astrology, with a particular interest in current affairs,
culture and media, the astrology of generations, and public concerns such as education
and health. Several of her articles on these topics have been featured in The
Mountain Astrologer and other publications over the years.
© Raye Robertson 2020. All
rights reserved.
Baigent, Nicholas Campion and Charles Harvey, Mundane Astrology: an introduction to the astrology of nations and
groups, Thorsons (HarperCollins), 3rd ed. Rev., London, UK,
1995. (1st edition, c. 1984).
for Syrian Independence, Jan. 1 1944, 12:00 a.m., Damascus, Syria. Chart #322, Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas
Campion, The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth, UK, 3rd ed. 1999, p.
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